Constant gardening to stay true against values

Patrik Olofsson
Published in
2 min readApr 19, 2018
gardening our values

We as a company are very dependent on our partners a.k.a consultants for our business values to be delivered. When it comes to be true to our values it can be a huge challenge. It’s not because we have consultants, it’s nothing new there. And if you on top of that add concepts/framework as Agile, SAFE, PMP, “old truths”, etc. it may muddle our perception of our values.

Our values

We believe that every individual has something valuable to offer and we strive to have the same values in the way we work.

  1. Togetherness
  2. Caring for people and planet
  3. Cost-consciousness
  4. Simplicity
  5. Renew and improve
  6. Different with a meaning
  7. Give and take responsibility
  8. Lead by example

Read more about our values at IKEA

These values paints a picture of the way we want to be or the way we think we are. If we don’t honor these values … we are not we.

Say what, we want to be us now, don’t we?

The challenge is that the values and culture of our company are present if we write it down or not. Writing a few words on a wall doesn’t automatically make these values ours since we are influenced by others and they have other values and metrics and it’s not always a match in heaven.

Step up to the plate

Even if we are fewer than our partners, people wise, we still need to set the stage and inprent the values everywhere inside the organisation and it starts with the recruitment, it’s our responsibility that everyone understand them and live by them, we are all IKEA.

Our values and culture are created in our interactions with each other. It’s a living thing. My colleague Maria Kedemo wrote a post about it .

Togetherness is always the beginning

Since the collaboration is tight and frequent we need a very clear communication. There cannot be politics, hidden agendas or “being nice and not telling” since that would muddle our interactions.


To conclude we are all responsible for actively creating and maintaining our culture in everything we do. Always remind each other and go back to them for guidance.

