Building Python Image with Docker

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Turk Telekom Bulut Teknolojileri
2 min readOct 29, 2023

1) Clonning Github source

We clone the source by using “git clone” command with the source website

2) Initialize the project

We use “docker init” command to initialize the project. Answer the questions like:

a) What application platform does your project use? Python

b) What version of Python do you want to use? 3.11.4

c) What port do you want your app to listen on? 5000

d) What is the command to run your app? python3 -m flask run — host=

3) Start to build

Finally we are going to use build command for docker

4) Check the images

5) Tagging the image

You are going to tag “python-docker” image by using “docker tag” command with v1.0.0 version.

6) Remove the tag

Use “docker rmi” command to remove the tag for image.

Thank you for reading my article :)))


