Edge AI is Overtaking Cloud Computing for Deep Learning Applications

Gani Çalışkan
Turk Telekom Bulut Teknolojileri
4 min readApr 25, 2022

What is Edge AI?

Edge AI addresses the processing and the implementation of machine learning algorithms locally on the hardware systems. This form of local computing reduces the network delay for data transfer and solves the security challenges as everything happens on the device itself.

Edge AI Block Diagram
Edge AI Block Diagram

This diagram that appears above summarizes all the processes of the Edge AI.

The Flow of Edge AI

Edge AI’s local processing doesn’t mean that the training of the ML models should happen locally. Generally, the training takes place on a platform with a greater computational capacity to process a larger dataset. Finally, this trained model can be deployed on the processor or the hardware of the system. The system comes with the AI accelerating features along with the deployed model for real-time data processing applications.

Edge AI technology has gone through tremendous growth with increased demand for GPUs, NPUs, TPUs, and AI accelerators. This demand is palpable as machine learning and artificial intelligence have become the trending technologies in the present scenario. Hence, Edge AI has found its place in hardware due to the requirement of the current applications. The need for local high-level processing and computational capacity in the hardware explains the significance of Edge AI.

Can Cloud AI Outlive Edge AI?

Cloud AI supports processing in hardware by providing computational power remotely on the cloud. As the processing takes place remotely, the system is more powerful in performance and processing. Also, cloud computing increases the options concerning architecture and design. It reduces the complication of power consumption of the system hardware as high-level processing occurs on the cloud. However, these benefits come at the cost of latency and security issues, as discussed in the introduction.

Cloud AI Block Diagram

The Flow of Cloud AI

Cloud AI can outlive Edge AI when the computational requirement is quite intensive and heavy data processing is needed. If the application can compromise with the latency and security, then Cloud AI is definitely a better option than Edge AI. Cloud AI can also address the power consumption complication. However, it cannot be considered as the deciding factor for choosing Cloud AI over Edge AI.

Edge AI vs. Cloud AI

The uncertainty in choosing between Edge AI and Cloud AI mostly occurs for machine learning or deep learning use situations. As deep learning algorithms require intensive processing thus the performance of the hardware becomes a significant factor. Cloud AI can definitely provide better performance for the system, but most deep learning applications cannot compromise with latency in data transfer and the security threats in the network. Therefore, Edge AI outlives Cloud AI for artificial intelligence applications.

As mentioned earlier, the power consumption factor always intervenes in Edge AI processors. It is understandable as heavy computations require a higher power supply. But the current Edge AI processors have AI accelerators that provide higher performance with low power consumption. However, GPUs and TPUs still require higher power, but the improvements in design and circuit architecture will overpower this issue.

As cloud alone is not an excellent option for AI applications, a hybrid of Edge and Cloud AI can provide better performance. Partial processing that can compromise with latency can be done on the cloud and the remaining part on the hardware itself.

Example: As the trained model needs to be updated with respect to real-time data, this updated training can be done on the cloud. But the real-time data is processed on the hardware through Edge AI for generating output.

Hence, the division of processing brings out the best of both technologies. Thus it could be a better option for AI applications. However, most of the applications need quicker real-time updated training, so Edge AI outlives the Cloud AI technology. Hence, Edge AI is overtaking Cloud AI for deep learning applications.

You can access all the informations about Edge AI and applications of deep learning and cloud computing from sources that you see below.

