Delivery matters. Introducing .io integration with Slack.

Tim Alexandrov
IO Technologies
Published in
3 min readSep 21, 2017

Being aware of every important event is one of the greatest challenges for any editorial team. No matter how big your team is, the chance that you miss a crucial event on your website is quite high. While you are at a meeting or on a business trip, your articles are working 24/7. As a result, you can miss the most important events.

Guys, we really wanted to help

To keep our precious customers aware of every event, we created custom automated alerts. The idea was to help journalists and editors receive necessary data on time and in full.

After we launched .io alerts we were the happiest team in the world. Our developers could sleep well for the first time in a long time; and our Success Team was hoping for a tsunami of positive feedback and successful use cases. And we did have some accomplishments — 180 projects and 600 users are using our alerts on a daily basis.

Unfortunately, we didn’t predict one thing, email is an overloaded communication channel that can turn into an infinite to-do list. When you send someone an email, they essentially have to reply to it, or at least they think they do. With Slack, you can post information into a channel about a topic, and anyone interested can check and see it. Editors have loads of unread e-mails in their inbox already , and it’s hard to find something relevant there. Thus, we achieved only 44% open rate.

.io is not only data analytics, it’s also data delivery because the answers which were shipped to the wrong channel are not answers. “ — Aleksandr Krutko, CEO .io Media

Thanks to our users we learned instant messengers are extremely popular within their teams and are used on daily basis. And today we are announcing our first integration with one — Slack.

Why Slack and what’s next?

There is a specific reason for why we started with Slack. Let’s hear it from the Head of Product at .io, Nick Delyukin:

“In the last two months, our team, including myself, visited approximately 18 media companies in 6 different countries. We also held more than 20 calls with those customers we couldn’t visit. The time spent with our users opened our eyes on several things, one of them being data delivery. We observed how teams communicated with each other, what messengers were opened on their computer screens, and asked direct questions to prove what we saw.

17 out of 38 teams are using Slack as a primary communication channel. Others use Skype, Telegram, WhatsApp, Viber, Facebook Messenger, and good-old e-mail. The conclusion was inevitable — we had to assimilate into the process in order to effectively supply our clients with data. Slack integration is just the beginning… I’m looking forward to talk to even more users to get insights into their workflows to incorporate .io solutions!”

.io gives you clear insights on how well your website is performing at any moment. But our goal is bigger than that; we want to give you the answers and deliver them at the right time and via the right channel. Slack integration is just a small step towards this goal.

How to Set it Up

Slack integration is one of the simplest, just follow this manual, as usual integration takes less than 3 minutes.

Here’s how it looks. Meet the very first .io alert sent in Slack to Marin from

We are waiting for your feedback

We really appreciate our customers’ feedback and ideas. Help us become better for you!

Which messengers should we integrate with next and what alerts would you like to receive?

Drop your ideas directly to Roxanna on or contact your Customer Success Manager.

