ai Content Generator — How to use Jarvis AI Copywriting Software

Published in
10 min readAug 17, 2021

Writing Blog Posts and Long-Form content can be tedious process and extremely time-consuming.
Knowing how to write blog posts and long-form content in less time using AI Copywriting

The software can have huge benefits for you and for your online business.
So, if you want to know how to write blog posts and long-form content in less time using
AI Copywriting Software, then this video will help.
Hi, Welcome to Meet Jarvis.
and in this video, I will introduce you to a new and powerful Artificial
Intelligent Copywriting Assistant called Jarvis.

Jarvis is AI Copywriting Software that can help you write blog posts and long-form content really quickly.
I appreciate that this is a very strong claim from a stranger on YouTube but you don’t need to take my word for it.
To see if this AI Copywriter could really help you write your blog posts in less time,
you can start using it today for free for the next 5 days.
You will find a link in the video description for your Free 5 Day Trial.
Click that link and take a look inside Jarvis and tinker around with it for 5 days absolutely
Jarvis is getting some really great reviews from real users over on the Conversion AI
More than 8,000 bloggers, writers, affiliate marketers, podcasters, online entrepreneurs,
and YouTube creators are already benefitting by using Jarvis from Conversion AI.
My apologies in advance. I need a small medical procedure on my tongue later today, so i may
sound a little ‘lipsy’ for the rest of this video.
So, let me introduce you to conversion ai.
Here we are over on their review page.
If we scroll down, we’ll have a read of a couple of the reviews that are on here.
Allison Waddell says, writers block is extinct.
Chris Hallewell says, more in just 24 hours. This tool is awesome. I’ve banged out more
content in the past 24 hours than I did for the rest of the entire month. Blog posts,
website content updates, client ads, and LinkedIn articles.
Luke Faulkner says, I always overthink copywriting.
This is a game changer. Copywriting has always
been something I struggle with as a marketer and business owner. I overthink everything
and because of this, conversion ai is a game changer and I see
the massive potential for a tool like this.
Matt Gartner says, my favorite tool for breaking writer’s block.
Loving this app.
Blown away.
Saved me hundreds of dollars in fees I would have spent on copywriters.
Actually, freaking good.
No fluff, real stuff.
I’m shocked, seriously!
Two weeks copy project finished in two days.
Writes better than most of my friends.
Copy is something I’ve struggled with for ages.
Love this tool.
Three hours, no results. Jarvis, five minutes and two awesome descriptions.
Helps write amazon copy faster.
This ai is freaking incredible.
Helps creatives and coaches attract the ideal clients.
I was able to publish a book in less than a week because of conversion ai.
These reviews just go on and on and on.
Dang. Call me impressed.
Better than competitors.
Yes, and I have to say conversion ai is better, far better than its nearest competitor, which
is copy ai.
The user interface. The user experience.
The tools the templates inside Jarvis are just amazing.
Okay, let’s scroll up and have a look at the pricing. Kind of important, hey!
Jarvis writes all of the copy on this website.
Every word you read on this website is written by AI (artificial intelligence), apart from
the reviews obviously.
The easiest way to write great copy fast.
End writer’s block forever.
Publish more content faster.
Boost sales with better copy.
Guys, if you struggle with coming up with content ideas, even coming up with blog post
ideas, video titles, writing your video descriptions,
your blog post intros, your main content,
your conclusions, finding bullet points, writing emails, you just put a couple of sentences
into Jarvis and he will generate the content for you.
You just guide him through.
It’s not completely hands off.
It’s 80 percent, 20 percent.
You put 20 percent in, Jarvis will give you the other 80 percent.
So, we do have a five-day free trial guys.
The link will be in the description.
Just scroll down below this video, into the description area past the see more button,
and you will see multiple links for these multiple plans.
Just try the one that suits you the best.
If you are unsure or you’re sceptical, go for the five-day free trial. No obligation.
If you can afford it, hit the 29 dollar a month standard plan and get 20 000 words and
start writing.
If you’ve got a bit more money in your pocket and you know you’re going to create lots of
content, or you’ve got a team behind you or you’ve got a couple of va’s (virtual assistants)
behind you who will write the content for you, then you can give them access to your
On the 29 dollar a month plan, you are allowed 10 team members. I think 10 team members,
and I think you’re allowed three team members on the 99 dollar a month plan.
So, you can have people writing the copy for you, whether it’s work colleagues or it’s
And there’s a seven-day money back guarantee, if you opt for the 29 dollar a month plan
or the 99 dollar a month plan.
Let’s scroll back up.
Let’s have a look at the resources.
We’ve got a training academy.
You can become an affiliate.
An FAQ and a help centre, and then this is what this video is all about.
This pro unlimited.
Let’s have a look inside.
New pro unlimited plan lets you write long-form content with AI.
Say hello to Jarvis, your AI Copywriting Assistant.
Now, Jarvis can help you write blog articles, social media posts, sales letters and even
Guys, to get the most out of the time spent watching this video, just scroll down into
the description, click on the five-day trial and jump into using this software for yourself.
So, let’s scroll down and have a look.
Why go pro unlimited?
Three steps to long-form content with Jarvis.
Open the long-form assistant, which is only available on the pro unlimited plan.
Start with a prompt and watch ai write your content.
Like I said, you basically just type in a couple of sentences, hit generate, and Jarvis
will continue to write for you.
New pro features help you write long-form content with their AI.
Create blog posts, stories and even books with the assistance of real AI.
This is not spun content, guys.
I have written dozens and dozens of articles over the past six weeks.
I’ve passed every one of them through Copyscape and Grammarly and everyone has come back 100
percent unique.
Google will not penalize you for the content written here.
Don’t listen to the naysayers.
This is not an article spinner.
Build content faster by using multiple copywriting skills in one document. Yes!
Keep your team organized with folders for your clients and multiple projects.
Like i said, you can have team members.
You can give them an access link to your account and they can either write your content for
you or you can have content writers, outsource that content using your Jarvis account.
Get yourself set up on Fiverr as a content writer.
Even on the 29 dollar a month plan, you get 20,000 words.
You can write at least five articles a month at fifty dollars each.
There’s two hundred and fifty dollars ($250).
The more articles you write, the more you make.
Join over 8,000 people using AI to break through writer’s block.
I think you get the idea.
Say hello to Jarvis, your new AI Copywriting Assistant.
Save hours writing clever original content.
End writer’s block forever with new ideas from a robot.
Write and translate content in over 11 languages.
Yes. English, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, German, French and Italian.
Generate long-form content in minutes.
Perfect grammar.
Make the tone of voice more educated, funny or even iconic.
Yes, you can ask Jarvis to write in a tone of voice.
Funny, witty, enthusiastic.
Plus, Jarvis has learned over 40 copywriting
skills, including the AIDA Framework the (attention
interest, desire and action).
Problem, Agitate, Solution.
Product descriptions.
Content improver.
Blog post outline.
Blog post topic.
I’m going to go into this in a little bit more detail right now.
This software helps you write 100 percent unique content for marketing copy using the
AIDA Framework and the PAS Framework (problem, agitate, solution).
You can write product descriptions.
Get creative, write your own story.
Improve the content that you’ve already written, so, old blog posts that need an upgrade.
You can write new blog posts, blog post topics, blog post outlines, blog post intro paragraphs.
You can expand the sentences that you write.
You can write Facebook ads, Google ads, Amazon product features, Amazon descriptions.
Website headlines.
Website sub headlines.
If you’re on Instagram, it’ll improve your post captions.
If you’re a YouTube creator, this will give you unlimited ideas using these five templates,
from video topic ideas, your script outline, your video titles, your video script hook
and introduction.
Even down to your video description.
It’s good for email subject lines and it will also help you out with your blog post title
and meta descriptions, your home page for your website, your title and meta descriptions,
your product page or your service page title and meta descriptions.
Help you with your company bio and your personal bio.
If you’re a real estate agent, it’ll help you with your listings.
It’ll turn your features to benefits.
We all talk about features too much.
This tool really is a marketer’s dream.
Who would benefit from using this AI Copywriter?
If you’re a blogger, a YouTube creator, podcaster, affiliate marketer or a professional copywriter,
this AI Copywriting Tool will do all the heavy lifting for you.
Just give Jarvis some basic inputs and you’ll be amazed at what he writes for you.
If you’ve never tried an AI Copywriter before, or you’re sceptical, then you can try this
software out for free with a five-day free trial, okay.
You can take it through its paces.
Sign up for free with no obligation.
If you don’t like it or it’s not for you, then you just stop using it at no cost.
The link for the five-day free trial is in my description and you also get bonus words,
or bonus credits, if you use that link.
Try it out for five days.
See what you think.
I’m sure you’ll be amazed.
I’ve been testing Jarvis out at Conversion AI for the last six weeks and I’ve generated
just over forty thousand words in that test.
Like I’ve already said guys, I am on the pro unlimited plan so I can really dig deep into
each of these marketing templates and I am
seriously blown away with what this AI Copyrighting
Software can offer.
So, if you’re a marketer of any kind, affiliate marketer, a podcaster, a YouTube creator,
a blogger, an ad agency, this is the tool for you, definitely.
Give it a go.
See what you think.
I’m sure you’ll love it.
If you’re not a marketer, then this tool will turn you into one.
It is addictive.
You can do so much with it.
It’s dead easy to use.
Just get started using it.
Click the link in the description.
Start your five-day trial.
Or jump straight in, grab this pro unlimited plan while it’s still available at this great
This is going up guys very soon.
I don’t know whether it’s a couple of days or a couple of weeks.
It won’t be at 99 dollars for long.
I’m going to wrap this video up guys with a great use case for making serious money
from this software.
I mentioned previously during the video about Fiverr sellers.
Okay, content writers, content creators on Fiverr.
If you’ve been on Fiverr, you’ve seen the gigs but if you think outside the box a little
bit, here’s a great solution if you want to make money from this Jarvis software.
If you’re a Fiverr seller and you have content writing gigs, then this software will help
you write content quicker and speed up your turnaround.
Even on the standard plan for Conversion AI, which is 29 dollars a month for twenty thousand
words, you could write 10 really meaty articles with those 20,000 words and earn at least
500 dollars on Fiverr, at a cost of 29 dollars a month.
Just think about that if you’re already on Fiverr.
If you’re struggling to write content or produce enough content, then this software will speed
your whole process up, and for those that are not on Fiverr as a Fiverr seller, this
could be a money-making opportunity for you because you could basically set yourself up
on Fiverr as a content writer and use Jarvis, use Conversion AI, as your writing tool.
Imagine what you could earn on Fiverr if you opted in for the pro unlimited plan!
Although it’s 99 dollars a month, it’s pro unlimited.
The developer has basically said if you want to write a million-word blog post, you can
write a one-million-word blog post.
That’s why I used it as an example for this video.
If you want to write a 10-million-word blog post, it’s still only going to cost you 99
dollars a month, at the moment.
That price is going to be going up.
So, just imagine how many gigs you could create on Fiverr.
How many articles could you write in a month on Fiverr?
You’d only need to write two articles of fifty dollars each, every month, and Jarvis, or
Conversion AI, is paid for.
Thanks again for watching guys.
Appreciate your time.
I am in the process of creating video tutorials for all 41 marketing templates inside Jarvis
Conversion AI, so please subscribe, like this video, give me some YouTube love, this is
my first video, and hit that bell to be notified when I do upload those videos.
They are coming very soon guys and they will be really helpful.
Until next time, take care and stay safe.

Recommended to check details about Jarvis ai Content Generator or Copywriting software and more




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