create the design in canva templates — Pixazap recommendations

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6 min readAug 7, 2021

I’m going to show you how you can create the design in canva and then optimize that design into a high-resolution design so that you can use it for your printing services or if you want to maybe Um create an e-book cover and then sell it on amazon kdp. So that’s what you’re going to learn today By the end of this video.

Recommended to watch more Social Media Graphic Templates | PixaZap

I create two videos a week, one video of personal development and the other video is usually about health and nutrition, and I hope that you will learn something from this video before we continue guys i’ll.

If you don’t have camera account uh, please just sign up: it’s free. You can sign up for free, and then I get access to all these templates and designs that you can play around with and find something that you love Otherwise i’ll leave a link down below. If you want to try canva for pro, which has got more than what you will have here with a free account, but you will have access for 30 days for free just to play around with it and then see whether you like it or not.

I’m sure it will help you indeed, so the plan is to create the design with canva and then optimize that design into a high-resolution design so that you can use it Either for your as an ebook cover and print it out or use it as a Design that you want to print like in your mug or in your books, in your t-shirts, with a print on demand services that we have. So that’s what we’re going to do and usually, they want a very high resolution, design or image up to like 300 dpi. So that’s what I will show you uh today and if you want to know more about canva I’ll link up the video here that I did in the past about cam for beginners.

So you’ll learn quite a lot from that video as well alrighty. So I did have a design that I just made before, and this is the design here. I just picked up anything, so you just pick up the design from the side into the canvas and then you play around with we add few things as you can see an edit that So, let’s assume we finished our design.

This is the design that you want. Then we want to download it so that we can go and print it with a high resolution. So what we need to do, obviously, is to come here to download and then uh, usually um canva will, when you just do it the first time you do uh suggest like a png for you, but for this video I’m going to show you a different way.

So you’re not going to go with what canva is suggesting, we will go with um pdf print. I know you must be wondering. Oh, why steve are you printing as a pdf? We want an image that we can use.

So that’s fine we’ll get to that. So just select pdf print and then download. So, as you can see, it will download that.

So let’s check that um pdf um it’s down here, let’s bring it up and see. Excuse me, uh should come up In a sec, as you can see, it’s coming up i’ll, just bring it up there. As you can see, this is the um pdf that we’ve got so we want this pdf to turn into a png with a high resolution at the end.

com, so it’s the online conveyor. com. So I will get you to That website and then you will see the magic happens from there go to google and then type online converter.

com. So there it comes because i’ve been using it. So usually it’s at the top.

I, like number one number: two you’ll find it up there, so it is this one will click onto that and then we will get to the home page of uh online converter, and this is the home page, which has got so many different Things that you can Do with this website and amazingly it’s free and especially what we’re doing today, it’s free you can sign up, so you can get more if you want, but for this tutorial, we’re going to have a free version of it and then what we want is to convert Our pdf into a jpeg or into a png, so you can either come here a pdf to jpeg or you can come here and then put what You want to do. So we want to convert a pdf to uh png, so we just click on that. Png is there and then it will.

It will start running straight away and then it brings out this page and then what we do next is to get that image that we’ve just created the pdf image. We’re going to put it into here so i’ll go to my files there And then this is the pdf that we’ve just created there and then I will drag it into here and then it will start downloading. Once it’s uh done 100.

It will tell us that it’s done, then we can stop the conversion. As you can see, it’s almost done there. You go it’s 100 percent and then done so it’s uh all ready now.

So what we need to do now is to come down here to the optional Settings and then we are going to come to dpi and then enter 300 there, because that’s uh what we want to our image to be at the dpi we want. So after that. That’s all you need to do.

You can do other things for now. We just want to optimize it to 300 dpr. After doing that, just start conversion, and then it will tell you straight away Once it’s done, then we will download the png folder.

That’s it uh. It’s all completed as you can see, and then i’m going to download it then i’ll show you you can see there, it’s downloading, it’s done i’ll, bring it up. As you can see, this is our new um.

This is our new image um, as you can see. So what you need to do to see the Whether it’s done what you want? It’s got the three the 300 dpi. So you go to tools and then inspect the show inspector.

And then you look at the information there from the photo. So, as you can see, it’s a png now and it’s done now and then these are the pixels and then this is what we wanted to do. So, as you can see, the dpi is 300.

. How good is that, So we already now, you can now go to a website like a printful or whatever that you use for your print on demand and print. Your shares their t-shirts, your designs, and you know all that or you can even go to amazon kdp and put this onto your cover design and create an e-book that you can sell on amazon or even do um a paperback on amazon, because you’ll have a proper Resolution Image all righty guys, I hope you’ve enjoyed this guys if you have, if you’ve learned something, leave comments below and let me know what you think and what else you want me to um to do for the next video uh and uh.

Ask you again guys just subscribe to this channel hit that notification bell so that you can get notified every time I post a new video. Your likes and comments Will really really help. Uh grow the channel.

Watch My video about canva Template Bundles




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