Your First Online Marketing Tactics Issue

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4 min readNov 8, 2020

Welcome to your first of Online Marketing Tactics. Inside each issue of
Online Marketing Tactics you will learn valuable information on the
different types of online marketing tactics that you can use to build your
business, get more customers and increase the sales of your products
and services.

Learn more about online marketing and more

Let’s start this issue by talking a little bit about what online marketing is
and why it’s become such a popular topic among business owners

Online marketing is fast becoming one of the most popular ways that
businesses, big and small are using to promote their products and
services. It can be used to build brand, attract customers, generate
leads and drive large amounts of traffic to any website.

When it comes to doing business online you will hear the words
strategy and tactic used together quite frequently. In fact they are so
tightly interwoven that they are often considered one and the same.

When it comes to what an online tactic really is and how it can be used
to grow your business there is no doubt that you will find a wide variety
of opinions available on the subject.

Let me see if I can break it down for you. A strategy is the plan that you
put together to promote your business products and services. In this
plan you will set goals and objectives. To reach these goals and
objectives you will implement various tactics designed to get the job

Before you can start putting any online marketing tactics to work for you
it’s important to create a solid plan and set your goals, so that you can
measure your results effectively.

While every business is different, most of them all have three basic
goals in common. They all want an audience, they all want to generate
revenue and they all want to make a profit.

When implemented properly online marketing can help you achieve all
three of these goals much faster and easier than more traditional offline
marketing methods, like direct mail and print advertising.

Now let’s go over some of the most popular online marketing tactics
and touch base on what they can do for your business. Please keep in
mind that each one of these tactics requires time, energy and
sometimes even a monetary investment to implement.

- Search engine optimization (SEO)

Is the process of maximizing the number of visitors to a website by
ensuring that the site remains high on the list of results returned by the
search engine for any given keywords.

Free traffic from the search engines can literally be a gold mine, so
spending some time optimizing your website for high traffic keywords is
a very important tactic.

- Article marketing

This is a type of advertising in which businesses write short, informative
articles on specific topics and then submit those articles to directories
and other online publications.

This marketing tactic can help you build your online presence, provide
you with instant credibility in your marketplace and help you get more
traffic to your website all at the same time.

- Email marketing

We have all seen this online marketing tactic before. It is where a
the business collects email addresses from their website visitors and uses
them to send out their marketing message. While email marketing isn’t
as popular as it once was this tactic can still be extremely effective, as
long as it’s implemented properly.

- Link building

This is the process of building quality, relevant links from other websites
to your website. This tactic goes hand-in-hand with search engine
optimization and will help your website rank better in the search
engines and bring in more free traffic.

- Referral marketing

This is method of promotion has been around for generations. Until
recently it was referred to as word-of-mouth advertising, but now it is
often known as affiliate marketing. This tactic involves recruiting other
people (current and past customers) to promote your products and
services for you in exchange for earning a commission or discount.

- Social media marketing

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social networks are becoming
increasingly popular promotional tools. They can be used to attract
more customers, build brand awareness, and create customer loyalty.
This tactic yield massive results in a very short amount of time when
implemented properly.

- Pay per click or pay per view advertising

This method encompasses a wide variety of options including running
banner ads, contextual ads, Google ads as well as Facebook and other
social media ads. This tactic is where you pay the advertiser the
the specific amount of money every time someone clicks on your ad. this
the tactic can be very effective may be prepared to invest both time and
money to yield results.

These are only a few of the online marketing tactics that can be used
when developing a solid online marketing plan. We will go more in-depth about each of these topics in future issues, so be sure to look for
your next issue soon. We will be talking more about online marketing
and how you can use it to build credibility and develop a presence in your

Learn more about online marketing and more

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