Access Now Report

Hoy traemos a este espacio este informe titulado “HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE AGE OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. “This report is a product of Access Now. We thank lead author Lindsey Andersen for her significant contributions. If you have questions about this report or you would like more information, you can contact

Y que nos presentan así, en el :


As artificial intelligence continues to find its way into our daily lives, its propensity to interfere with human rights only gets more severe. With this in mind, and noting that the technology is still in its infant stages, Access Now conducts this preliminary study to scope the potential range of human rights issues that may be raised today or in the near future. Many of the issues that arise in examinations of this area are not new, but they are greatly exacerbated by the scale, proliferation, and real-life impact that artificial intelligence facilitates. Because of this, the potential of artificial intelligence to both help and harm people is much greater than from technologies that came before. While we have already seen some of these consequences, the impacts will only continue to grow in severity and scope. However, by starting now to examine what safeguards and structures are necessary to address problems and abuses, the worst harms — including those that disproportionately impact marginalized people — may be prevented and mitigated. There are several lenses through which experts examine artificial intelligence. The use of international human rights law and its well-developed standards and institutions to examine artificial intelligence systems can contribute to the conversations already happening, and provide a universal vocabulary and forums established to address power differentials.



Juan José Calderón Amador * ✘ ★
#T5eS🌈 emergencia y esclavitud digital

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