Public speaker first time at Google I/O Bangkok 2018

Ta Theerasan Tonthongkam
ta tonthongkam
Published in
6 min readJul 9, 2018

Late Friday, 17th Jun 18, Ake (GDE Android) send me a Facebook message. Unfortunately, I did not respond to him until the next day. Friday it’s 50% chance to be ending sprint day. At that night teammate and I has a party. I was able to respond to the message on the afternoon of Saturday.

First time I saw the messages, oh! I was still drunk. I reread carefully this time and answer “YES” to him. The message was “he’s inviting me to Google I/O BKK event.” Not only participate but a speaker. Time to clear up my mind, lol. Now I had 2 weeks for preparing. The event was set for 1st July 2018.


Google I/O event, is not just an Android event but all about development relate to Google. The subjects were available, WorkerManager, AndroidX and Android studio 3.2. And I pick AndroidX because I’ve been research on it. Then I would like to go with AndroidX.


I use to speak in front of many people before, back in my college life. But I was just expressing what I was my project, what is my idea at the time. It a huge difference for this time that I’m going to give people knowledge, a lot of people.

I have read a lot about AndroidX, read thru the history of it. Watch the I/O video. Making short notes. I spend about 3–4 days only research on AndroidX to make sure that the thing I’m going to talk not make other people confuse or misunderstanding.

Short notes

After I’ve done research, I started to design the presentation. Try to group related topics together. Separate the subjects into a big/small bullet. Then mock the simple flow to talk to. Next start to do the keynote.


The I/O event has it own keynote template, we have to use it. First time I saw the keynote’s style I think it too formal, at least for me. I’m not a strick person that much. So I try to put some “meme” on it. For, i.e., Megaman X (It’s close enough to Android X), some meme from Thai’s TV show and Thai’s drama. Of cause some meme from WWDC event. That is just for fun.

In my slide contains a lot of information, a code, and examples. I think I’m going to create about 20 pages keynote. But in the end, it doesn’t even matter. The pages reach 70 pages, Oh god!!.

Google I/O slide template


70 pages of the slide and 40 minutes talk, but actually, the time may only 35 minutes. It has to spend some time to rotate the speaker, also changing the presentation. Then I have to finish 2 pages in a minute. OK, I can do it (I’ve talked to myself). The first round of practice I spend only 25 minutes, oh sh!t.

Screen of slides

Next, I try to slow down try to speak as formal as I can. It’s doesn’t work. I feel like it not flow enough. It was lacking in some part of the session. Then I’ve gone back and rechecked my slide. Some part of it not in the right order. That’s why I feel it not flow enough. I try to reorder the topic again then practice almost 10 times. Now I can control the times, my breath and slide flow.

I still not sure or confident to give a speech, I invited my friends to my house then do the keynote for them. Get some feedbacks and practice more, thanks to those friends. 30 Jun 2018, I also keep practicing until I feel thirsty. And the night before the event I couldn’t sleep.

Google Extended Day (1 July 2018)

I feel more confident than before, Today is the day I’m going to talk about AndroidX and what I’ve researched. This is the first time that I can go to backstage unlike event before. At the backstage, I really nervous, excited happy and etc. A lot of feeling in my head lol.

My session is in the afternoon. That means I can see another developer speak and see how can they manage their feeling, But I forget about most of them are GDE (Google developer expert). They have to deal that kind of thing several times — hahaha. I think just being myself on the stage that’s it!



I have to share the stage after Ake, there are a lot of developers attended his session, I hope people not just go out when I enter the scene. And lucky me more people join.

5 minutes before starting my session. I feel freezing, feel so numb I cannot hear any voice. All the images get into my eyes was a slow-motion picture, I guess I really excited at that time. Then it’s my show time.


The first step I enter the stage, thank god spotlight saved me. I barely see the audience. And the hall was silent, so I cloud focus again. Everything just not fine!!, There was a technical problem, my slide doesn’t show up, Jeez!!. Thanks for the staff who can fix it really soon. And my session was going smoothly.

Expected the unexpected

Developers can notice that keynote change the page so fast!!! We all speaker said that the Clicker have some problems. You just push next, and it goes like next-next-next. The point is, it spoils my joke, the fun slide has appeared too soon. Luckily audience still laugh. And some meme I put in I also afraid people will not get it, but it the end they do get it.

I did warn you

One of the best memes is from the “Master Chef” TV show, is a picture one of the judges with her quote “I did warn you.” There are a few things I would like to mention to Android developers, by putting her face in it, it very effective.

After the event

I grouped with Nexzy team and went to drink beer together, they are amiable people. I feel like we are close already (Maybe because of beers). That day I really enjoy it. It’s one of the best days of my life. I hope I’ll get this chance in the future, I’ll stay tune in development knowledge, and try to share it back to developer communities as much as I can.

Special thanks

Thanks, Ake Exorcist and Wittaya A for inviting me to Google I/O BKK as a speaker. Thanks for KBANK, KBTG to cooperate and set up this event. Thanks, Google for being a developer friend. Also thanks for Cpram and Siri venture for being sponsors of the event. Thanks, GDG to organize this event. And thanks to all developers.


Thank you.

— end of story —

