Testathon Bangkok, first time in Thailand

Ta Theerasan Tonthongkam
ta tonthongkam
Published in
5 min readAug 15, 2018

I as a developer may know the term Hackathon; which an event for developers to help the team create an application within a day. Now it’s QA and Testers turn to have own event called Testathon.

Testathon is an event which testers try to find bugs as much as you can within a short period, and bugs have different score point, for example, severe bugs contain more point than the general bug.

How do I know about this event?

My friend who works for the same company as me (eatigo) knew this from his QA leader, and he also invites me to this event. As a developer, I have to work with QA a lot, and sometimes I honestly don’t get them at all. So I would love to join this event to know more about the QA community in Thailand.

To the testathon.

The first step, testathon team give the helpful information to help me thru the day, then I have to sign some document to ensure that, I’m not gonna expose something in the event explicitly. So no spoiler alert!

Next, I have to pick the team that I want to join. By selecting the app that I would like to test the most. Then get in touch with the team. Waiting not for long Ron show up, and he organizes the event. He so lovely and an entertaining guy. He gave me some energy already. I had enough power for the whole day.

Let the test begin.

It’s enjoyable for me to find bugs instead of coding. The time run so fast, I only feel, I test, I log a bug, I eat then I test, I record a bug, and I drink on and on. When the bell rings at the end of the day, I feel like, what is just happening. It was so fast. It was exhausting. To the QA and Tester now I know how you guys work. I’ll stop complaining you guys LOL.

Test area
Food area

Prize announcement.

Actually, I want to win some prize because I was intended to test every feature that I’ve got. Testathon has so many awards, I would love to win the small one because I am a developer my tester skill may not good comparing to professional QA.

Ron announced name by name by name for each prize and yet my name wasn’t announced. I thought that I may not gonna win an award. So I’m OK with that, but there is a miracle when Ron announced that. The best QA — Runner-up goes to “Mr. Theerasan Tonthongkam,” I’m stunning for a few secs, then my team says that “It’s you, It’s you.” I was standing up and said Me? Me?. I bet that it is the funniest face in my life. Everyone was laughing at me. All staff happy for me, Ron also gave me a hug.

By the way, my friend also won the best QA insight award.

I still don’t believe it that I won the runner-up prize LOL.

About the event

Imaging that how many times in your life that you are being treated as a Facebook employee. How many times that you are going to work closely with the Facebook team. The Facebook team really cool, energetic and lovely. How many times in your life that you be able to discuss technical stuff with the great team. How many time in your life that you’re stepping out of your comfort zone. It’s all happen to me within a day.

About knowing other people who are not a developer. I attend so many the developer event. But this is the first time for me to join the QA event. I’ve known so many people who work in this area. It was such a fun feeling like I have more friend. We also share a lot of work experiences both in the QA perspective and the developer perspective.

A benefit of a developer being a QA

The developer who in the mobile area may know the limitation of Android and iOS more than testers and QA at some point. I think this is my strong point for this event.


I would like to thank the testathon team who organized this fantastic event. Also the Facebook insights team. All of the staff in that event including cooks. Thanks to the teammate who help me a lot during the test. Thanks to my friend who invited me. Thank you.

Ronald cummings — john — Then coolest guy in the event.

Like Ron said so many times during the testing, this day is going to be one of the best days of my life.


Explore more

Thank you

— end of the story —

