5 Inspiring VMinclusion Taara Learners Share How They Prioritized Learning When The Going Got Tough

VMInclusion Taara
Taara in You
Published in
8 min readJul 3, 2020

As millions continue to adapt to the new normal necessitated by the current global situation, there are several things that are changing — new challenges are being faced, new abilities are being discovered, and priorities are being relooked at. Through it all, one thing is crystal clear — technology will drive the future. In the coming months, industry-relevant digital technology skills will be in high demand. The search for upskilling in the past few months has gone up immensely. According to a survey by Springboard, 79% of people feel upskilling is the new way to achieve their dream goals while also bridging their skill gaps.

Training, re-skilling, and upskilling which were already high on every organization’s agenda will emerge as a key organizational priority in the months to come. Organizations will sharpen their focus on ensuring their teams are equipped with the technology skills for the future.

This is an opportunity for women who have taken a break from their careers and aspire to return to work. After being away from the industry for some time, most women find that their skills are outdated thanks to the rapid evolution of technology. Upskilling is more important than ever for the and it is wonderful to see so many women complete our VMinclusion Taara courses and restart their careers with confidence. Meet these five inspiring and highly motivated women who continued to pursue their upskilling and learning persistently during these challenging times when they had to balance more than their usual share of domestic responsibilities. From a few quiet hours to study and work, it was suddenly a full house with schools being closed and other family members working from home. We asked them what kept them going and sought their tips on staying motivated and disciplined through it all.

Supraja Garlapati

It has been 7 years since Supraja’s last job. She loved what she did but after four years of working in the technology sector as an SAP Business Intelligence Consultant, she decided to take a break to focus on her personal priorities. But she never gave up on her professional dreams. When her husband told her about VMware’s VMinclusion Taara, two things about the program appealed to her: 1) that it offered certification courses in new technologies like cloud, network virtualization, digital workspaces and more and 2) the courses were available online and were self-paced so she could access them and learn at her convenience. She signed up immediately and started her learning journey with great enthusiasm.

As the current situation unfolded, she initially found herself overwhelmed and unable to balance all her responsibilities. But after the initial hiccups, she reorganized her day’s schedule and made some tweaks to her daily routine and was soon able to balance her domestic chores and make time for her learning.

She also met a larger community of women virtually through VMinclusion Taara, who she now considers friends, and together they address queries and doubts, discuss what they learned, and they now form an invaluable support system for Supraja. As of now, she has finished Level 3 of the program and is one step away from becoming a VMware certified professional.

Her advice — The current circumstances are far from ideal, and it is easy to get caught up in the extra domestic chores and get overwhelmed by all the negative news from across the world. But it is important to make time for learning and preparing for the time when the world will emerge from this situation. Her belief stands firm and she is right- bad times do not last forever; the world will come out stronger, will be more digital, and will require updated skillsets. And she will be ready to hit the ground running when the job markets open-up and the economy improves.

Tips to stay on track from Supraja Garlapati — Stay positive in spite of all that is happening around, stay focused, and disciplined. It helps to dream big

Anusha Subramanium

After being in the IT sector for almost six and a half years, Anusha gave up her flourishing career to focus on her kids. Years later, she still missed working and wanted to restart her career. She applied for every job that was available for women on a career break, but the lack of expertise in the latest technologies soon became a hindrance. Anusha realized she would have to upskill and thought an MBA diploma would help revive her career. But even after completing her MBA, she still lacked the required technology skills that employers in the tech sector were looking for. Around this time, she heard of VMware’s VMinclusion Taara, it offered the opportunity to upskill in cutting edge digital technologies that most organizations were looking for, and it allowed her to learn online at her pace. It was like the light of a long winding tunnel. She signed up for it immediately and embarked on a new upskilling journey confident that this would be the opportunity to build her expertise in emerging technologies.

Managing responsibilities at home along with her studies was hectic, and Anusha found it difficult to adjust and adapt to it initially. With two active kids at home, the absence of domestic help, and her husband working from home as well, it felt like she would never be able to take the time out to go online and learn. Anusha and her spouse chalked out a plan to make sure both of them could focus on their individual professional priorities, today she has reached Level 3 of the program.

As the current circumstances continue to impact and shape the world in previously unheard-of ways, Anusha is confident that her new technology skills will help her revive her dormant career once the world reopens. She is looking forward to being a part of the Indian technology sector once again and is confident that she will soon be a part of the tech industry.

Tips to stay on track from Anusha Subramaniam — Seek help from your spouse if need be, time management and discipline are key

Srividhya Ramaswamy

Srividhya is currently on Level 3 of the VMware’s VMinclusion Taara program and finds her subject ‘Network Virtualization’ quite engaging. She greatly appreciates the fact that the program allows women a chance to upskill in new technologies that are greatly valued in the industry. Her journey with Taara began when she realized that upskilling in cutting edge digital technologies was no longer a choice; it was crucial for career success and progression, especially for someone like her who has had a career break of over 6 years. Srividhya had worked as a Business Analyst in the industry for more than six years before she took a break.

Srividhya decided to become a part of VMinclusion Taara as she was convinced that the program’s courses in digital technology would be her stepping stone back to the workplace. She devoted at least 2 hours a day studying and networking with other women. Despite the challenges thrown by the ongoing situation she stuck to a disciplined routine, Srividhya made sure she made time for Taara’s training and upskilling program. She says the end goal of returning to a thriving career and being financially independent is what kept motivated. Srividhya believes VMware’s VMinclusion Taara is a complete package for women looking forward to resuming their careers once normality returns.

Tips to stay on track from Srividhya Ramaswamy–Dedication to your dreams and discipline to achieve them will keep you moving ahead.

Gnanashree T

Mother to an active 5-year-old, Gnanashree T is balancing domestic and personal responsibilities with her learning and upskilling journey perfectly. She knows just how important it is to refresh one’s skill sets, especially in the fast-paced world of technology, where emerging technologies are constantly disrupting established norms. Gnanashree heard about VMinclusion Taara while listening to a talk show on radio and was inspired by the women who narrated their return to work stories. (Click here to listen to the Red 93.5 FM interview )She wasted no time and immediately enrolled for the program knowing it would empower her with the skills needed to restart her career.

When India went into lockdown, Gnanashree initially found it tough to strike a balance between helping her daughter with her homeschooling, domestic chores, and managing her self-paced learning program. Her days got longer but her determination did not dip. She made sure she kept aside time for her VMinclusion Taara’s journey. With a disciplined routine and help from her husband, Gnanashree finally found a structure that helped her manage the responsibilities. She has managed to keep up with her courses over the last 2 months and is now on Level 3 of the program. Despite the challenges, she feels it’s crucial to be mentally strong and focus only on the positives of every situation. With her sights set firmly on the outcome, Gnanashree is sure her upskilling and learning will help her restart her dormant career once normalcy returns or when organizations start looking to hire. She is convinced that the demand for highly skilled digital transformation technology professionals is set to increase. She knows she will be ready to take on new professional challenges, after all, the current time of balancing so many things has prepared her well.

Tips to stay on track from Gnanashree .T — Keep a positive attitude, even at difficult times when you need support, ask for help, and stay mentally strong in the face of adversity. Focus on your goals.

Chandana K

Chandana, was a Senior Consultant at a leading IT firm until she decided to take a break and accompany her husband whose job required him to relocate to the US. By the time they moved back to India, 7 years had gone by and Chandana’s technology skills were outdated, and her confidence diminished. She wanted to return to work but wasn’t sure if her past experience would be appreciated or if she would have needed to start from scratch. Around this time, she read about VMinclusion Taara on a women’s career-centric portal and immediately enrolled. To her surprise, the program was not only free of cost but also available entirely online for women like herself who wanted to upskill to improve their chances of returning to work.

The current situation brought multiple challenges. It was difficult to stay committed to the course while efficiently managing her other responsibilities which had increased manifold. But Chandana chalked out a plan to dedicate 2 hours every day for continuing with the online learning program. VMinclusion Taara’s online format ensures that she can learn any time as per her convenience. Chandana says that learning about emerging technologies currently is proving to be a morale booster as well because the link between digital transformation and business success is now more evident than ever before. She has regained her lost confidence and is looking forward to restarting her professional journey once again.

Tips to stay on track from Chandana K- Chalk out a plan to manage your life and work, bring a structure, it helps you stay efficient and worry less

The common factor that weaves the stories of all these women is their relentless determination to pursue their dreams despite the hurdles. As they say- ‘You grow through what you go through’; no matter how tough the road is, the journey will be worth it, only if you believe in your dreams. Hurdles are a part of all our lives and the current event is one that the entire world is facing, but stories about those who rise above it all and continue to surge ahead towards their dreams are the ones that we can all learn from. This is why we are sure that the stories of these five women will inspire many other women who aspire to work towards their career dreams.



VMInclusion Taara
Taara in You

VMinclusion-Taara in partnership with Women Who Code aims to help women on a career break rejoin the workforce by training them in advanced technologies