Here is How Upskilling is Empowering Women like me to Bounce Back After a Career Break

VMInclusion Taara
Taara in You
Published in
3 min readJun 17, 2021

Losing a job took a heavy toll on Veena’s overall mental and emotional health. But instead of feeling powerless over the direction of her career, she decided to take control of the situation. Here’s how she transformed her career gap into a career upliftment opportunity and got back into the workforce with the help of VMinclusion Taara.

Often challenges turn up when we least expect, but it’s our courage and willingness to evolve that help us outgrow all the struggles. The same happened to me when I was laid off from my full-time job at an MNC technology company. The incident made me realize one of my worst fears as getting laid off was seen as a major stigma in many organizations. It not just affected my career but also caused distress to my family while impacting my peace of mind. The job loss was way beyond an economic loss as it kept intensifying my stress levels. I started looking for opportunities but nothing interesting was coming my way. Things got worse when my break eventually extended for a year, and I became more worried about restoring my employment. My career gap was blocking my exposure to new technologies related to my field. This made me explore ways to align myself with the trending work requirements and skills.

Since I was aware of the upskilling program by VMinclusion Taara, I gladly registered myself for the course. My earlier job experience was in Oracle EBS and I knew that cloud computing holds tremendous potential for the future. The decision for an upskilling course made me proficient for the bigger and better jobs in leading organizations. Investment in skill up-gradation definitely pays off in the long run, and the learning support boosted my morale as I could see myself ramping up into the new areas related to my work profile.

In 2019, nearly 80% of CEOs said they were concerned about the workplace skills gap, up from just 56% in 2011. The evolving world of technology, changing occupational structures and patterns, and workplaces have strengthened the need for skilling. Constant upskilling and learning on emerging trends can enable you to take control and change your future by understanding the ongoing transition in industries. It can be fairly concluded that skill development is the master key to achieve individual development in the workplace.

VMinclusion Taara gave me the development opportunity I needed and enabled me to learn more about cloud computing. The advanced and self-paced training systems of the program provided uninterrupted online support to me. Whenever I missed a live session, I could catch up on the recorded sessions at my convenience. The skilling program courses are open to people from diverse backgrounds which also gave me the opportunity to network with professionals from other growing sectors.

This helped me access new opportunities. The hands-on training experience by VMinclusion Taara is well-suited for women who face career breaks as it helps us to become job-ready while enhancing our coping and problem-solving skills. The VMinclusion Taara certification holds great importance in the industry and with my newfound knowledge of cloud computing, I was soon able to crack a new job where I am currently handling cloud development and support. VMinclusion Taara helped me rebuild and redirect my career and I hope more women will fully harness this productive program to gain a competitive edge.



VMInclusion Taara
Taara in You

VMinclusion-Taara in partnership with Women Who Code aims to help women on a career break rejoin the workforce by training them in advanced technologies