Content Marketing

Hero, Hub, Help

The Hero

We created a persona of a C-Suite business-owner of a smaller company who we thought might be interested in banking with TAB. Because TAB targets small to mid-range businesses, we speculated that a lot of the Bluetooth Brads of the businesses attend conferences that can help educate them about their businesses. Not only do these types of conferences appeal to more mid-range business-owners, but also the Small Business Saras that make up our third persona. We researched some conferences that TAB could set up a booth at, talk to people about their services and collect survey data to base updates and product services on.

We researched conferences that took place in tech hubs around the US. An example of the conferences we’d like to hit is the Small Business Summit in Salt Lake City

Small Business Summit in Salt Lake City — Small business is the backbone of our community. The Salt Lake Chamber Small Business Summit: Ignite & Inspire will provide the opportunity for small business owners, managers and entrepreneurs to come together to learn new tools, tactics, and strategies and make invaluable connections to help support the growth and success of small business in Utah.

Through this strategy, we believe that this will get the word out about TAB Bank by targeting both our Bluetooth Brads and our Small Business Saras at the conferences.

The Hub

One of our main strategies in improving the brand image of TAB Bank was to speak directly to the people who use the software, interact with TAB’s brand and rely on their services. For this, we used the Controller Cory persona that we created. Currently, it’s extremely important for a company to create and maintain a mobile experience because:

52.2% of web internet traffic is mobile in 2018.

57% of users say they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed mobile site

People today have 2X more interactions with brands on mobile than anywhere else — that includes TV

We suggest that in order to appeal to TAB Bank’s existing customer base, certain steps should be taken to improve the mobile experience on both the website and the app. Both are slow and out of date. It should be updated with a modern look and put under strict usability tests to find where customers are getting stuck in their processes.

The Help

Taxes. Everyone does them, everyone hates them. It’s a similar story with loans and budgeting. That’s why we decided that TAB bank would benefit from a blog offering tricks and tips on these subs, all while indirectly pointing the prospects in the direction of TAB Bank.

There would be an emailed newsletter, a central blog website as well as associated social media sites. All of these will create great points of contact and extremely shareable content for interested people. Because most banks don’t place a big emphasis on social media, a big part of the Help campaign would include marketing on social media using ads, influencers and brand accounts.

Through these strategies, we believe that TAB Banks name will reach a lot of people, drive people to the website and eventually choose TAB Bank for their banking needs.

