TAB Bank Site Fixes

Site Optimization

TAB’s website on both mobile and desktop needs to be optimized for a faster and smoother experience. Minimizing redirects is the first way Tab can optimize their website.

Using online tools such as Redirect Checker will catch a large portion of the easy to fix 301 and 302 errors. Going through the code of the site to make sure redirects or refreshes aren’t being used unnecessarily will likely catch the rest of the redirect inefficiencies. By leveraging browser and server caching Tab is able to “pre-load” large portions of their site on the server and client side allowing for the page to load quicker as a lot of the information is already on device. Creating smaller file sized images and graphics will reduce the request size that the site looks for. Using optimized media files will always create a faster and more responsive website. Not only will these optimizations create a faster site, users will be happier to come to the site. A faster site makes for a better user experience.

Improving the Mobile Experience

