WWDC/Layers Conference Day 0

Marco Sousa
TAB Design
Published in
4 min readJun 8, 2015

We land in San Francisco and get involved

As we got out of the BART taking us from the airport to downtown San Francisco, we were greeted by the unavoidable peculiarities of the area. Things I will spare you from describing here but really we were just eager to get involved and so after dropping our stuff at the hotel, we quickly made our way to the epicentre of change.

We got a quick taste of the amazing feeling that is being in San Francisco for WWDC and after a quick bite at a local diner, we called it a day.

Waking up Sunday proved to be less challenging then expected as we totally owned the task of not being affected by jet lag.

Eager to go explore and excited to join the WWDC hike later, we made our way through the city and started seeing people wearing WWDC 15 jackets everywhere, but don’t be mistaken, talking to locals you quickly understand that all of this fanfare goes unnoticed to some.

Exploring San Francisco

Besides walking a lot (more on that later), we used Uber to get around and it was interesting to experience the push they are doing here for their UberPool service. We managed to do long rides of 6+ miles for only $7 and 2 out of 3 rides had the special pooling price even though we didn’t get matched with anyone else to pool with.

When we arrived at Land’s End for the WWDC hike, the local fog had taken over the area but the enthusiasm of the huge group made up for it and we set out to explore the coastal trail with 150+ geeks being guided by Sam Soffes and his cool backpack.

We managed to cross the Golden Gate Bridge and make our way down to Crissy Field and then the stunning Palace of Fine Arts which, really, is an amazing setting for photography.

After 6+ miles of walking we got to our final destination: Fisherman’s Wharf but not before having a little detour to check out the Ghirardelli Square and get our free chocolate taster!

31,174 steps later we were more then ready to sleep and so after a few beers at an awesome local bar, we got our rest, ready to take on day 1 with a live streaming of the keynote at Twitter HQ and the first day of Layers Conference.



Marco Sousa
TAB Design

👋 Hi! I am a Product Designer @Facebook in London. I was born in Portugal and have lived in Spain and the UK.