9 shortcuts to simplify your course building

Landon Dorssey
Table Mesa Blog  - Making CE Beautiful
3 min readJul 27, 2017


Making courses on the Table Mesa platform is a breeze, thanks to our unique unique course builder, which you can learn about in the Create a course article. However, even what you learn there can be simplified with the right combination of keystrokes.

There are 9 special keyboard shortcuts within the Table Mesa course builder, and we want to share them with you! Why 9? We want to keep things simple, so we only added shortcuts for the most common things. It is also the that the brain maxes out at remembering 9 things at once, and our goal is to make things easier, not more complicated.

Here are our 9 shortcuts:

Turning text into a bigger headline

Turn text into a bigger headline by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+1.

Turning text into a smaller headline

Turn text into a smaller headline by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+2.

Turning text into a quote

Turn text into a bigger headline by pressing Control(ctrl)+q.

Turning text into a bullet list

Start a bullet list by pressing the Star(*) and then hitting Space. Start the next bullet by hitting Enter.

Turning text into an ordered list

Start an ordered list by pressing the 1, then Period(.), and then Space. Start the next bullet by hitting Enter.

Turning text into bold text

Bold text by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+b.

Turning text into italicized text

Italicize text by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+i.

Turning text into underlined text

Underline text by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+u.

Turning text into hyperlinked text

Add a hyperlink to text by highlighting and pressing Control(ctrl)+k. Then type in your URL and hit Enter.

