You create it, we promote it!

Landon Dorssey
Table Mesa Blog  - Making CE Beautiful
5 min readAug 28, 2017


When it comes to branding your CE organization and marketing your CE courses, you have two real options: going in-house and DIY, or hiring a firm to promote you and your content.

For internal marketing and branding, we cover a lot of options in our DIY Marketing: The Basics article and followup articles. However, there are limits to how far you can get on your own, and handling your business on top of your promotion can be taxing. That is where external help would come in, but who said external means some big marketing firm or branding agency?

Table Mesa is not only your solution for course hosting, but for building your brand and course exposure as well. As CE specialists, we know what licensees are looking for, what other providers are doing to reach success, where the best coupons and courses are advertised, and most importantly, how to reach your target audience and audiences you didn’t even know you could target.

Marketing and Brand Building through Table Mesa

Our complimentary marketing/branding services

Being a provider on Table Mesa comes with marketing and branding perks. From the moment you register, you get these complimentary services for no up-font costs; we simply do a profit split from course sales — you keep 70%, we keep 30%.

We know that courses don’t sell themselves, and that CE is a very competitive market, so we do our best with our complimentary services to ensure you see better results than you would on any other CE hosting platform.

The way our complimentary service works is simple: we offer general promotion, exposure, and traffic that is based on your provider homepage and courses. Think of it as a collaboration — the better you set up your provider shop, the easier it is for us to bring you clients!

The marketing/branding services your standard account includes are:

  • Advanced marketplace search parameters. We have an intuitive and ever-updating search system that breaks down by state, profession, requirement, price, credits, and more. If you set up your shop to the fullest, you’ll show up in a multitude of course search results and increase your exposure and sales.
  • A customizable provider homepage. All Table Mesa providers get a homepage specific to their brand, which can include a custom logo, banner image, description, and various other details. For new providers, it can serve as your primary online page, and for providers with existing websites, it can function exclusively as a storefront.
  • A featured course on your provider page. Each provider homepage has a special banner that can call out a course of your choice, providing more information than a standard course card and greatly improving its presence on your page. It is ideal for your top-selling course!
  • State- and profession-specific Table Mesa marketing. We are constantly targeting existing and new audiences with social media posts, advertisements, email campaigns, and other marketing and branding strategies. These efforts not only increase the massive audience using the marketplace, but ensure that the current traffic is predominantly current or soon-to-be renewing licensees. If you are updating courses and targeting the current renewals, you’ll see the benefits of this!

As said, the complimentary services are free, and they will greatly benefit you, but they are definitely more DIY and internal; the more work you put in to your shop and courses, the better results you will see. However, if you are looking to get even more exposure and/or have a more hands-off approach, then we offer an enhancement to your standard account, Table Mesa Creative!

Enhanced branding services with Table Mesa Creative

Table Mesa Creative builds on the complimentary services of your standard account by adding branding potential beyond the marketplace through social media, email campaigns, and customized retargeting. To be clear, Creative isn’t about marketing, and for good reason.

Licensees have to take courses, regardless of whether you offer the course they need or not. Marketing courses to them is like saying “we know you have to take this, so we are going to remind you that we have a course you need.” It doesn’t sound very captivating, and our research and data shows it isn’t. So instead, we build your brand so licensees associate beautiful CE with you. We make licensees say “I want better CE, and I know [your brand] offers it!”

So we built Table Mesa Creative specifically to convince licensees that you are the right provider for their CE needs. It remains free of up-front costs, just like your standard account, but it does have an increased profit split. To cover all the offerings included in Creative, providers agree to a 50/50 split of all course sales with Table Mesa.

Creative’s enhanced services include:

  • All of the complimentary services that are standard
  • Your courses featured in our exclusive Facebook Shop
  • Your active coupons featured in our exclusive Facebook Offers
  • Shoutouts about your brand in our social media posts
  • Customized exposure for you in the form of ads or retargeting campaigns
  • Your brand featured in our email campaigns and newsletters
  • Your brand featured in our communications and blogs

Creative is a tailored service, meaning the specifics of each service are defined more clearly for you upon their interest to enhance their account. To learn more about Table Mesa Creative and what it would look like for you, check out our Be A Provider page or reach out to your account rep*.

*only providers with a Table Mesa account are eligible for Table Mesa Creative. If you are not a current Table Mesa provider but would like to be, please reach out to us using the information here.

Success Stories of Table Mesa Creative

If you are trying to decide whether to take the DIY marketing route or upgrade your Table Mesa account to Creative, here are some metrics from real Table Mesa providers currently using the enhanced services.


SmartCE’s founder had no background in CE, just the realization that he could really make a difference. He got approved, joined Table Mesa, and started the enhanced marketing service from the get-go. By month four of providing courses, SmartCE was averaging a gross of $12,000 a month!

Saintil Education

Saintil is one of our longest-standing providers, and had made great profits a month from signing on. However, their course sales drastically increased after starting the enhanced marketing service. In fact, their best month prior to starting the marketing service was around $8000, but they have now cracked $40,000 in a single month!

SmartCE and Saintil are not our only success stories. In fact, there are a more than a dozen providers we could talk about, and you could be the next one! If you’re ready for better engagement, branding, and course exposure, then email us today!

