August RPG Podcast Debuts

A monthly guide to adding new shows to your podcast inventory

Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop
5 min readSep 1, 2020


As the end of the Summer approaches, the days get shorter, and the weather cooler… I find myself searching for new shows to immerse myself into with a hot cuppa tea in my hands. And as always, the RPG podcasting community never fails to deliver.

B-Roll (Launched August 1)

B-Roll is named as a pun for its ancillary nature to B Cubed, similarly named for the hosts’ last names starting with B, and for the fact that it’s an actual play D&D podcast. You know, like, rolling dice.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of B-Roll: “Star Wars: Edge of the Empire #1 — Waylaid by Pirates Part 1”

No Small Rolls (Launched August 2)

Join our merry band of actors for a D&D campaign where there are ‘No Small Rolls’, just battles, buddies and beverages! Dungeon Master David Knight ushers his players Ben Galpin, Chris Watts, Darrel Bailey, Grace Kelly Miller and Vicky Gaskin through a home-brewed world full of stories, secrets and silliness.

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Spotify embed for the first episode of No Small Rolls: “The Con Artist’s Cave”

What Do I Know About Actual Play (Launched August 3)

Audio from the actual play games featuring Jared Rascher as the game facilitator, with great players like Robert Everson, Brandon Barnes, Eric Bontz, John Arcadian, Eileen Barnes, John Carney, PK Sullivan, and Michael Schmitz. Our Current Games are The Streets of Avalon: The Bleak Testament (D&D 5e) and Eberron: Above the Fold (Quest RPG)

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RadioPublic embed of What Do I Know About Actual Play’s first episode: “The Streets of Avalon: The Black Testament”

The Lost Adventurers (Launched August 8)

Four guys playing D&D together to tell a cool story.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of The Lost Adventurers: “A New Start”

Tales from the Rusty Speeder (Launched August 10)

An interactive Actual Play podcast using Fantasy Flight Game’s Star Wars: Edge of the Empire rule set.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of Tales from the Rusty Speeder: “Dreadnought, Chapter 1"

Dungeons & Doctorates (Launched August 12)

A D&D podcast following the adventures of three postgraduates in a fantasy university dealing with supervisors, monsters, and peer-reviewers.

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Spotify embed for the first episode of Dungeons & Doctorates: “Session Zero — Find Friends”

Welcome to Amara (Launched August 12)

Welcome to Amara is a sword and sorcery high production dramatic retelling podcast of a play by post Dungeon World campaign. We are Sean “the GM” and Andy “along for the ride”, a GM/Player duo exploring the unique high fantasy world of Amara. It’s a realm with carefully crafted lore to uncover, featuring a growing cast of diverse characters of beasts and fast friends. Eyien is where we begin, it’s the place to be for security and for power in Amara. Within Eyien resides a group of soldiers and mages known as “The Coterie”. Along the way we discover and breath in the city of Eyien, uncover secrets that threaten the kingdom. Relax and immerse yourself into our world as we piece together the mysterious forces surrounding this grand city of opportunity and potential.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of Welcome to Amara: “Prelude”

The Cast Perilous (Launched August 16)

An actual play tabletop RPG/storytelling podcast, featuring home-made sound effects and (endearingly?) amateur players. We prefer storytelling over rules-lawyering, so we use a rules light, old school inspired system, Low Fantasy Gaming. Listen as we tell the tale of young villagers, who are drawn into adventures surrounding a weird faerie-tale forest, in turns both dark and whimsical.

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Spotify embed for the first episode of The Cast Perilous: “Episode 1”

Roomie Roamers (Launched August 17)

A Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition actual play podcast. The adventure follows the story of three adventurers making waves in the Cilintir Archipelago, an unexplored group of islands found off the southern waters of the Sword Coast. Allie Deutschmann is the DM for this game. Spencer Rapoza plays Damian, a seafaring tiefling warlock on a path of revenge. Taylor Knode plays Inga, a beautiful tiefling paladin who wants to spread the joy of Sune. Kody Knode plays Arius, a high elf wizard seeking knowledge that no one else has.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of Roomie Roamers: “The Cilintir Archipelago”

Practical Heroes (Launched August 18)

Welcome to Practical Heroes! A group of nerdy voice actors enjoying your favourite tabletop roleplaying games — including 5e Dungeons & Dragons

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of Practical Heroes: “Immortals Episode 1 — The Adventure Begins!”

D&Dweebs (Launched August 19)

A 5E actual play podcast featuring a group of dweebs just trying their best to play D&D. Join Tim, Abby, Shelby, and Brandon on their quest to play the worlds most famous role playing game.

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Spotify embed for the first episode of D&Dweebs: “Two Crooks and A Nightmare Book”

What Are We Even Doing (Launched August 19)

The W.A.W.E.D DND Podcast. Homebrewed & recorded straight from the table to your ears.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of What Are We Even Doing: “Intro”

Curse of Strahd: Twice Bitten (Launched August 20)

Six DMs return to the mists to run a completely Rules-As-Written Curse of Strahd campaign. Our core question: what happens when, rather than luring in a party of heroes or adventurers, the mists of Barovia claim a group of cowardly, cynical, selfish, and/or traumatized individuals who fall — not leap — into adventure? Join Jack, Kaiya, Linus, Tsarina, Twi and their DM DragnaCarta (creator of the popular Curse of Strahd: Reloaded guides) to follow the story of a group of ordinary people thrust headfirst into danger.

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RadioPublic embed for the first episode of Curse of Strahd: Twice Bitten: “Five By Firelight”

Admiralty Blues (Launched August 26)

Welcome to Admiralty Blues, an actual-play podcast of Beam Saber (by Austin Ramsay) — a Forged in the Dark sci-fi game with mechs! Many battles waged on the planet Sirvon’s supercontinent have been fought with these giant machines, and the ongoing cold war has heated up again as unknown forces have wiped out the Admiralty’s communication network: the belligerent Vanguard pirates and the vengeful once-empire of Lorne have found their time to strike! Tasked with fixing the network is Mercury Squadron, otherwise known as a bunch of oddball reservists living in an ancient blimp. With their wide range of skills and personalities, they just might be up to the task — or they’ll cause more problems than they’ll fix! Listen in every Wednesday to find out!

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Spotify embed for the first episode of Admiralty Blues: “Rotary Phone Club”

Omega Star 7 (Launched August 26)

A new Biweekly Space Opera placed in an original setting known as “The Seven Systems.” Omega Star 7 is 50% Audio Drama 50% Actual Play using the “Genesys” system created by Fantasy Flight Games. Watch as the Crew of the Wayfarer faces Pirates, Gangsters, Eldritch Horrors, and most importantly themselves in this new story.

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Spotify embed for the first episode of Omega Star 7: “Welcome to Omega Star”

This month’s debut list was curated by Tess Cocchio.

Tabletop Micdrop is a publication about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry. We want to share our passion for the TTRPG audio medium, introduce folks to new shows, and explore the RPG podcast industry together.

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Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop

The editorial team behind the Tabletop Micdrop publication and newsletter about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry.