February RPG Podcast Debuts

A monthly guide to adding new shows to your podcast inventory

Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop
5 min readMar 3, 2020


A golden retriever wearing headphones and looking content

February continues to fill our podcast feeds with even more new content, with fourteen new additions this month (that we could find!). While D&D is always a popular system to use in podcasts, this month we’re excited to see Star Wars FFG, Shadowrun, L5R, and FATE in the mix!

Goofballs and Goblins (Launched February 3)

An actual-play D&D podcast made up of theatre majors and bisexuals, with less crossover between the two groups than you’d expect. Either way, players and characters alike blunder their way through perilous battles and podcast production in this collaboration between Petty Theft Podcasts and Maked with Good Intentions.

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Spotify embed for Goofballs and Goblins

Plausible Deniability (Launched February 3)

Plausible Deniability Is a Star Wars actual-play podcast in the Fantasy Flight Games RPG system Age of Rebellion. We also use elements of Fantasy Flight’s other Star Wars systems, Edge of the Empire and Force and Destiny. Plausible Deniability takes place after the Battle of Endor and revolves around a team of rebel agitators, trying to make the most of the end of the empire.

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Spotify embed for Plausibe Deniability’s trailer episode

Podcast of the Five Rings (Launched February 4)

Podcast of the Five Rings is an actual-play show of four friends playing through the official adventures of the 5th Edition Legend of the Five Rings Role Playing Game released by Fantasy Flight Games. We aim to put out high-quality, entertaining episodes that bring attention to the L5R RPG.

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Spotify embed for Podcast of the Five Rings’ first episode: “Tales of a Fallen Castle”

Shadowrun Fatal Error (Launched February 6)

Listen in as the year is 2077 or something, the runners are well.. running and stumbling as the Game Master Corey guides them through the world using Shadowrun 5e rules with a little bit of house rules added in.

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Necrotic Nipples (Launched February 7)

Necrotic Nipples is a group of tabletop role playing enthusiasts (nerds) who entertain themselves each week with fantasy rule sets from fantasy worlds (nerd stuff). Join us weekly for hilarious role playing, thrilling action and an endless torrent of very NSFW antics. Season 1 game: Deadlands Classic.

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Spotify embed for Necrotic Nipples’ first episode: “They dance when you feed ’em, I tell ya what”

Dark Fortunes (Launched February 10)

Batten down the hatches, and prepare to set sail on a journey of grand adventure in this D&D 5e actual-play podcast set in the world of Humblewood. Join our rag-tag crew of would-be pirates every Monday as they navigate the turbulent water of the Bay of Paluche.

Subscribe: Apple | Google| RadioPublic | Spotify | RSS
More Info: Website | Twitter

RadioPublic embed for Dark Fortunes’ introductory episode: “Welcome to Dark Fortunes”

Down to Roll (Launched February 10)

Dark forces are conspiring in the shadows. New heroes must rise to meet them. Listen every week as our story unfolds.

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Spotify embed for Down to Roll’s introduction episode: “Welcome to Down to Roll”

Dice Patrol (Launched February 11)

An actual play, 5th edition, Dungeons & Dragons podcast. The cast of Dice Patrol brings you into a world full of magitech, wolf packs with vendettas and magical otters.

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Spotify embed for Dice Patrol’s trailer episode

The Ritual Cast (Launched February 11)

The world of Thavis is experiencing an unprecedented time of peace. The dragons that once ruled this world have disappeared. From the island nation of Tian Bui, to the empire of Altrusia the people prosper. Six individuals awaken, with no memories of who they once were. As they navigate the world around them, they discover that a storm is rising.

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More Info: Website | Twitter

RadioPublic embed for The Ritual Cast’s first episode: “The Awakening”

The Neon Streets (Launched February 12)

In this FATE actual play podcast, a lizard man and a burned out hacker team up to take on the powers that be in the cyberpunk metropolis known as the Big Gulp. If you like CYBORGS and ACTION and SUSPENSE and FROGS and FRIENDSHIP and 7-ELEVEN then this podcast just might be for you!

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More Info: Website | Twitter

RadioPublic embed for The Neon Streets’ introduction episode

Days of Dread (Launched February 15)

The sleepy mountain hamlet of Ravenloft was once known for its friendly faces and hard-working hands. That is, until the undead arrived. And the dire wolves. And the unusual magical weather. Battles raged until the townsfolk were all dead, except for three random residents. But now, as the lone survivors begin a quest to save what’s left of their town, this under-prepared, under-equipped trio make some exciting new friends and set off the on the adventure they never knew they wanted…

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Spotify Embed for Days of Dread’s first episode: “Welcome to F*cking Ravenloft”

Pearl Fire RPG (Launched February 24)

Magic and monsters of legend were unleashed overnight on a world unprepared. Join monster hunters Althea, Tawny, and Xavier as they unravel arcane mysteries seeking the peace they once knew. An actual-play podcast featuring our own storytelling RPG!

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More Info: Website | Twitter

RadioPublic embed for Pearlfire’s trailer

Kingdom Hearts: A Forgotten Era (Launched February 25)

Kingdom Hearts: A Forgotten Era is an actual play podcast, set 80 years before the events of Birth By Sleep. This story will follow a group of heroes as they work to save the worlds from falling to darkness.

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More Info: Website | Twitter

Spotify embed for Kingdom Hearts: A Forgotten Era’s first episode: “Our Journey Begins”

The Societies (Launched February 29)

The Societies is a part role-playing game, part audio drama narrative drawing inspiration from the lore of theme parks. Follow the adventures of Dr. Chip Whitelsly PHD, Clara Barnsworth, Herbert Lister, and friends as they navigate a world inspired by character and settings found in Disney, Universal, Cedar Fair, and other theme parks around the world.

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More Info: Website | Twitter

Spotify embed for The Societies

This month’s debut list was curated by Tess Cocchio.

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Tabletop Micdrop is a publication about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry. We want to share our passion for the TTRPG audio medium, introduce folks to new shows, and explore the RPG podcast industry together.

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Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop

The editorial team behind the Tabletop Micdrop publication and newsletter about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry.