Write for TTMD

A quick guide on pitching articles for Tabletop Micdrop and becoming one of our writers!

Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop
4 min readFeb 14, 2020


photo of black headphones next to a notebook and iphone on a desk in front of a computer screen and plant

What we’re looking for

We have some formatting restrictions for some categories, but are open to discussing your article’s format and style in other categories.

Here are our categories and everything you need to know about them:

  • DIY: A general guide on how to become proficient in a specific skill, tailored for the RPG podcaster, or how to create specific content or physical space
  • Events: A perspective on a podcast or RPG event you’re attending (or recently attended) that you want to write about
  • Games: A perspective on favourite/unique games to play, especially on podcasts; Advice for GMs, such as how to improve your game/improv/storytelling/etc, especially for podcasts; How to play/run games specifically meant for podcasting
  • Interviews: Q&A with interesting RPG [pod] folks
  • News: A perspective on something new in the TTRPG and/or podcast industry that you want to talk about
  • Op-ed: A perspective (typically long-form) about the industry/community
  • Reviews and Recommendations: Your reviews and/or deep dives into a show or individual episodes
  • Playlists: Pod Playlists (themed), Song playlists (for character creation/game prep/etc)
  • Other: Have an idea that doesn’t fit one of the above categories? Submit to us and suggest it

We especially want to hear about content that highlights diverse and marginalized voices, and the exploration of work and creators outside of the mainstream.

An image of a rainbow made from neon lights on a dark background

What you get out of writing for us

We are currently work-shopping how best to fairly pay contributors.. As of this publication date, writing is voluntary. Volunteers will still receive a small stipend, but we don’t consider that as “paid”, as currently we don’t have enough revenue to pay what our volunteer writers deserve. Our first goal is to be able to pay writers at $0.10/word, as per the Unified (QT)POC Standard Requirements, and back-pay any volunteer writers should we reach that goal. We hope to pay contributors fairly out of our Patreon.

On top of the stipend, we’ll also publish your work to our site, include a link to your writing in our monthly newsletter, and give you special access to the Tabletop Micdrop discord channel. We’ll also include your bio on the publication where you can promote the work that you do elsewhere!

Ready to write for us? Send us your pitch!

Step 1: Pitching Your Idea

Send your name, pronouns, a short intro about yourself, and an outline of your idea via email (tabletopmic@gmail.com). Include “TTMD Article Pitch” in the subject line!

The outline shouldn’t be more than about one page (it can be as short as one paragraph!) and should include the category, main topic, the points you’d like to hit, who your target audience is, and what you hope the audience will get from your article.

If we like your article idea and we think it’s a good match for Tabletop Micdrop, we’ll work with you! You can expect to hear from us within about a week from the date you send your pitch with our answer.

Step 2: Writing Your Draft

Share your first draft via a Google Doc when you’re ready, and we’ll review and chat about it!

Step 3: Editing

We’ll work with you to do the edits. If you need extra help, we’ll work with you to develop your article and fine tune your writing. And no matter what, we’ll help you format your article to our standard.

Step 4: Publishing

It’s a pretty easy process standardized by Medium that we’ll walk you through when we get to that point. You’ll be able to post under your own account or we’ll post on your behalf under the TTMD editorial team account. If post-publishing edits are necessary, you’ll be able to do those yourself; you’ll just have to give your editor a heads-up!

Tabletop Micdrop is a publication about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry. We want to share our passion for the TTRPG audio medium, introduce folks to new shows, and explore the RPG podcast industry together.

Subscribe to our newsletter today! If you can, support our work via Patreon.



Tabletop Micdrop
Tabletop Micdrop

The editorial team behind the Tabletop Micdrop publication and newsletter about tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs), storytelling, and the RPG podcast industry.