5 Reasons Why Tabletop Gaming Is The Best Mid-Life Crisis You Can Have

Published in
6 min readMar 7, 2017


Beer, wine, nibbles, old gits and Vikings in equal measure. Champions of Midgard on the table.

[Originally published on www.tabletoptribe.com]

Having discovered motorbikes in my twenties, the passion stayed with me for the next decade and a half until I helped bring a child into the world. At that point I considered that perhaps dangling off the side of a sports bike like a demented monkey and scraping my knee along the road at silly speeds wasn’t the most responsible lifestyle choice any more.

However, it does mean that as I approach my 45th year on the planet, I haven’t had any mid-life urge to go out and buy the latest crotch rocket and twist-grip myself into an early grave. At least not yet.

Instead, the past few years have seen me rediscovering a hobby that has been with me since childhood: tabletop games. And by that I mean rediscovering an (un)healthy obsession with tabletop games, only now I have a bigger budget.

Whilst my wife may roll her eyes when another delivery person arrives at the door with their knees buckling under the weight of yet more boxes of shrink-wrapped joy for me, she has to admit that as mid-life crises go, things could be a lot worse.




VFX artist, 3D scanning guru, tabletop and boardgames fanatic, video gamer, geek, and dad. Not necessarily in that order. Chief @ Tabletop Tribe.