16 Gateway Board Games To Get Friends & Family Hooked

Published in
13 min readDec 23, 2016


[Originally published by www.tabletoptribe.com]

Reading most Gateway Games lists of the past few years, you’d be forgiven for thinking that Carcassonne, Catan or Ticket To Ride were the essential games to introduce to new gamers.

Whilst I wouldn’t knock them in this respect, there’s also something to be said for using a game that doesn’t involve varying degrees of urban and rural civil development. I could come up with a couple of dozen off the top of my head that would do just as well. So I will.

So these are my choices and alternatives to turn the most non-nerdy jocks, power execs and soccer mums into ardent meeple people and canny cube-rollers.

A word of warning though: whilst you might exclude the boredom of Monopoly from the usual tabletop experience, you can’t always eradicate the table-flipping rage too, so pick your games wisely for the uninitiated, and use this guide to help you tiptoe your way around likely offenders!

1.) Ca$h’n’Gun$

Publisher: Asmodee
Price*: £24.99
No. of players: 4–8
Play time: 30+mins
Age: 10+

There’s few things in gaming more satisfying than watching a cherished grandma go gangsta another family…




VFX artist, 3D scanning guru, tabletop and boardgames fanatic, video gamer, geek, and dad. Not necessarily in that order. Chief @ Tabletop Tribe.