13 Sex-Positive & Queer-Friendly Books to Boost Your Sex Life

Published in
9 min readFeb 15, 2021


I love books. I mean, I really love books. It’s not just that I enjoy them, but it’s almost like a non-sexual fetish. In my eyes, a life without books wouldn’t be worth it!

There’s nothing I love more than the utter excitement I get when entering a bookstore. It’s a hopeful sensation, as though whatever issues I find myself dealing with in life could be solved by one or two (or three) paperback baes that are books. I’ll even have recurring stress dreams that involve me walking through a bookstore trying to find books that promise the answers to my problems.

If you walk into any local bookstore or library, you’ll see many of their bestsellers being flaunted and displayed at the front of their store. You’re looking for your next favorite fantasy? Bam, right there! Want to jump into a gritty murder thriller? Wham, there are entire sections seemingly devoted to it!

However, if you’re having issues with your sexuality and want to find the perfect book to expand your mind, those books will be tucked away from view. Even asking the booksellers for their best books on human sexuality will have you be met with confused looks or be led straight to a dusty copy of The Kama Sutra.

Do you remember when Fifty Shades of Grey went viral, and every suburban mom was buying a copy…

