If you ever send links to people, you need to read this ASAP.

Patrick Allen
Published in
2 min readOct 11, 2016

We’ve been working to solve a problem we all face daily and we’re excited to launch our private beta in the coming weeks.

It’s called Taboom and for anyone using copy/paste and email to send and discuss links, early feedback says you’ll be very, very happy.

So What’s Taboom?

Well, we all send, receive and discuss links on the daily, right? When we do, it goes a lil something like this…

Sending links WITHOUT Taboom

Copy and pasting links to email/chat, jumping back and forth between pages, and never chatting about a page while you’re actually looking at it… the process isn’t only time consuming, it’s all around nonsensical.

With Taboom, sending links is as simple as hover, click, send. No more copy/paste time waste.

Sending links WITH Taboom

“That looks cool AF! How do I get it?”

We’re opening to a limited # of new users right now, so visit Taboom.io now to claim your account.

In the next post…

We’ll highlight our killer feature — live chat directly on any webpage. No more jumping back and forth between links and email or chat to discuss content online. Contextual conversations are coming to a browser near you.

