Tachyon Protocol Weekly Report #4

Tachyon Protocol
Published in
3 min readNov 16, 2019

11th — 15th, November 2019

— — — — — — — — — ▶︎Development Updates◀︎ — — — — — — —

1.Tachyon VPN 4rd Demo Development — 100%

Our 4rd Demo has been released on our Github today later. The new version supports to use your Windows and Mac as the servers in our network. Welcome to try and report your feedback.

2. Tachyon VPN GUI Client for macOS — 60%

The open source version of the Tachyon VPN user-oriented GUI is under development and is expected to be released this month.

3. Official Site Update — 100%

We have updated our official website this week with the new products introduction video.

4. Prepare to release

  1. V SYSTEMS Wallet — 100%
  2. Walk Wallet — 100%
  3. Provider Nodes Pre-registration & staking — 100%

— — — — — — — —▶︎Marketing & Listing Updates◀︎ — — — — — —

  1. IPX Token BG Staging Ended Successfully!

There are 25,000 participants in total and more than 1,800,000 draws in two raffle rounds with over 700,000 IPX token giveaway! Thanks all participants!

2. First AMA In Bithumb Global Kakao Community.

This week our team participated in AMA hosted by Bithumb Global in Kakao community! More than 1000 community members participated! We are really grateful for the great enthusiasm and support from all members! Please check the AMA Summary >>>

3. Tachyon Protocol Is Officially Introduced In The Capital 2019 By CoinMarketCap

2 days at The Capital in Singapore are so amazing! We are very excited to be a part of it. Tachyon Protocol launched the first public speech in such a big industry event! Check more details >>>

We also get press release publication in these well-known crypto news sites.

4. Our airdrop event ended successfully!

There are 7674 participates joining in our airdrop from 21st, Oct to 16th Nov in total. And 3005 participants will get rewards for the tasks completion. 38581 VSYS coins will be distributed next week. Thanks for all your participation and support! Check the rewards list here >>>


Stay Connected:

Don’t forget to follow us on these platforms and get notifications. Launch a hot discussion about Tachyon anytime anywhere.

➤ Telegram Group: https://t.me/tachyoneco

➤ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/tachyonprotocol

➤ Twitter:https://twitter.com/tachyon_eco

➤ Medium:https://medium.com/tachyon-protocol

➤ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tachyon-protocol

➤ KaKao: https://open.kakao.com/o/gRTetMzb

➤ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TachyonIPX/




Tachyon Protocol

A Decentralized Internet Protocol Stack Based On Blockchain. https://tachyon.eco