Tachyon Protocol Weekly Report #7

Tachyon Protocol
Published in
3 min readDec 7, 2019

2nd — 6th, December 2019

— — — — — — — —- ▶︎Development Updates◀︎ — — — — — — — -

1.Tachyon VPN 7th Demo Development -100%

Functions Updated:

  • Deploy router server
  • automatic RPC generator
  • Improve stability of connection
  • Optimize performance of memory and bandwidth
  • Testing of multiple clients and VPE servers

The 7th demo has added router server to build DHT architecture foundation and optimized memory and bandwidth to improve performance and connection stability. We have also run tests on multi-client connection with VPE servers.

This version will be released later on our Github. Welcome to try and report your feedback!

2. Tachyon VPN GUI Client for macOS — 90%

Tachyon VPN GUI Client for macOS has completed the development and stepped into test stage. This version is expected to be available next week.

3. Tachyon VPN GUI Server Manager for macOS-30%

All users can use this manager to become our provider nodes to offer bandwidth for client nodes in Tachyon Network. We have finished all design part this week.

4. Tachyon Protocol Official Site Updated- 100%

Features Updated including:

  • Support Korean language
  • Add WhitePaper & Onepager in Korean
  • Optimize FAQ page and update the content to offer more details and help members find answers easily.

This new version will be released today.

— — — — — — — — ▶︎Marketing & Listing Updates◀︎ — — — — — —

1.Our Community Stickers Are Online!

Finally, our community stickers are officially online! The first version includes 19 stickers which can be used in most common communication. Click this link to add these stickers! Hope you like them!

You can also find and download them in GIF here

Say hello to this purple robot!

2. News Report About IPX Token

Check this article about IPX token from U.Today >>>

And also published on CoinSpeaker >>>

3. Overview Report About Tachyon Protocol

Check this full article here >>>

4. Medium Blogs About Tachyon Protocol This Week

Here comes the Tachyon Protocol Technical Guide #2. Know what is TSP(Tachyon Security Protocol) and how does it work in Tachyon Network.

And other 2 articles >>>

5. Weekly Newsletter

We started sending weekly newsletter from this week. All supporters who have registered on our site by email will receive the newsletter every week which will update the latest news about Tachyon Protocol and keep you all informed.

Stay Connected:

Don’t forget to follow us on these platforms and get notifications. Launch a hot discussion about Tachyon anytime anywhere.

➤ Telegram Group: https://t.me/tachyoneco

➤ Telegram Channel: https://t.me/tachyonprotocol

➤ Twitter:https://twitter.com/tachyon_eco

➤ Medium:https://medium.com/tachyon-protocol

➤ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tachyon-protocol

➤ KaKao: https://open.kakao.com/o/gRTetMzb

➤ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TachyonIPX/




Tachyon Protocol

A Decentralized Internet Protocol Stack Based On Blockchain. https://tachyon.eco