The Official Guide to Create Your Own Nodes with Tachyon Node Manager

Tachyon Protocol
Published in
5 min readFeb 12, 2020

Tachyon Network is a network consisting of thousands of decentralized provider nodes using Tachyon Protocol. There are 2 kinds of nodes in Tachyon Network — Provider node and Client node. In brief, Provider nodes provide bandwidth and Client nodes use it. With global nodes distribution, the real decentralized VPN service can be realized.

Currently a macOS Alpha version of Tachyon Node Manager is available for testing traffic share with others. The feature of getting rewards will come in the next version.

With Tachyon Node Manager, all users can create your own server and become our provider node no matter where you are.

➤ The steps can be simply summarized into these 3 parts:

1. Download and Install Tachyon Node Manager

2. Get DigitalOcean, Vultr or Linode Servers

3. Create your first node and share it to your friends

Check the following detailed guide provided by our member @TwinTBeast.

*If you need to set up macOS on a Virtual Machine at first, please go directly to the end of this article, we have offered a detailed PDF guide for this as well.

We also prepare a simple guide video for you!

Part1. Download and Install Tachyon Node Manager

  1. Browse to Tachyon website from your mac machine and download it. It supports macOS 10.11 and later.

2. Install the downloaded source. And run it, just like that… you are finished😉, time to run up a Node. You can also check the guide in the node manager.

Part2. Get DigitalOcean, Vultr or Linode Servers

During the test period, servers from DigitalOcean, Vultr and Linode are supported. And please confirm the servers you rent meet with the following requirements:

OS: Ubuntu 14.04 TLS amd64

Ubuntu 16.04 TLS amd64

Ubuntu 18.04 TLS amd64

CPU >= 1 core

RAM >= 1 GB

Disk >= 30 GB

Inbound ports: 22 (ssh), 443 (vpn service)

Public IPv4 Address: 1

Bandwidth >= 50Mbps

In this guide we will use Vultr as an example. Vultr is a very easy to use cloud platform where you can host very cheap servers.

  1. Go ahead and create an account for yourself

2. Choose a Compute node and a location to install it on.

3. Choose Ubuntu 18.04 x64 as the OS for your machine.

4. Choose the right Bandwidth for you, and Voila!! You are done! Your server should be up and running within seconds.

5. Once your server is up, go to the server details from the Vultr dashboard. And copy your IP Address, username and password for the machine.

Part3. Create your first node and share it

  1. Find and open up the Terminal application on your macOS.

Hit Command+Spacebar and type “Terminal” or find it in /System/Applications/Utilities.

2. Type in the following command ssh username@ip_address (e.g. ssh root@ and Hit the Return. Type “yes” when you are prompted with”continue connecting(yes/no) and then type your password.

The username, IP Address and password are all from the server you rent in the Part2.

3. Once you login, type the following command in the Terminal curl -L “" > /tmp/tyWatchdog && chmod +x /tmp/tyWatchdog && /tmp/tyWatchdog installAll

You can copy this command immediately from the Node Manager.📍The red part is the URL of your node which would be the key you give out to users you want to share your VPN server with.

4. Paste the key in the box of the last step in Tachyon Node Manager.

5. Choose whether it’s a public or private key, And you are finished, start using your VPN Server🥳

The public keys will be listed on our official site and be accessible to all members. The private keys are only available by yourself and people who get the keys.

6. Send the Key to someone you would like to share your server with.

People who get your key can add your server immediately to their Tachyon VPN and use it to surf securely and privately.

You can check public servers list here >>>

These public servers are contributed by our community members for everyone to use for free during the testing period. Incentive systems based on the session rewards and staking rewards will be built soon for all provider nodes.

Luckily there is a way where you can run a macOS on a Windows or a Linux based OS. If you need to set up macOS on a Virtual machine, please read this detailed instruction contributed by our member @TwinTBeast >>>

As for the use of Tachyon VPN, please check this official guide video.

Welcome all global users to join us! Feel free to contact us in the following ways!

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Tachyon Protocol

A Decentralized Internet Protocol Stack Based On Blockchain.