What Is TBU? How Does TBU Work?

Tachyon Protocol
Published in
5 min readOct 14, 2019

The core of Tachyon Protocol includes four parts — TBU(Tachyon Booster UDP), TSP(Tachyon Security Protocol), TAA(Tachyon Anti-analysis) and Tachyon SDK.

We have a brief introduction on TCP/IP and Tachyon Protocol in our last article. Let us take a further step into these four parts. The first one we want to introduce is TBU, Tachyon Booster UDP.

TBU is a reconstruction model of TCP/IP powered by DHT, blockchain and UDP techniques. Remember the 4 layers of TCP/IP model we mentioned before? TBU rebuilds 3 of them including Internet Layer, Transport Layer and Application Layer. Coupled with the application of real-time Optimal Routing, it is capable of 200%~1000% transmission acceleration in a centralized network and over 90% connection success rate in a complex network environment.

Internet Layer

In TCP/IP model, this layer mainly selects nodes and establishes connections.The primary protocol in this layer is IP(Internet Protocol).

With IP Address, the packed data is able to know where they are coming from and where they are going. Imagine that you need to visit somebody’s house that you have never been. You’ve got the address but you still need to ask someone to get the exact direction. Data transmission is based on the same logic.

TBU takes the concept of PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) to build PPPoIP on IP Network layer, with complete topology, provide end-to-end connection in the fully connected network. At the same time, blockchain technology is introduced to enable large-scale collaboration of P2P networks.

Namely, when data gets the IP address they will know the direction immediately without asking step. The elimination of a central server will minimize data centralization and data requests.

To ensure the robustness of the P2P network, Tachyon employs a self developed Tachyon DHT based on Kademlia algorithm for P2P network routing with Trackerless as our objective. DHT (Distributed Hash Table) can be used for distributed storage like IPFS. It can also function well in routing and addressing. Combining with the real-time routing systems, data can always get the optimal connection.

In a brief, there will be no central server to worry about storage protection and data request in a decentralized P2P network based on PPPoIP protocol.

Transport Layer

This layer is responsible for process-to-process delivery of the entire message. The commonly used protocol — TCP, Transmission Control Protocol, has a series of mechanisms like three-way handshake, acknowledgment and retransmission to ensure reliable deliveries of data. However, this brings speed loss and low throughput.

TBU model uses UDP to replace TCP which offers superior throughput and has less overhead to improve transmission efficiency.

Application Layer

Every coin has two sides. UDP shows its weakness as well in the data delivery reliability part. Therefore, a reliable module needs to be built at the application layer to perfect this model. ACK(Acknowledgment), FEC(Forward error correction) and Bandwidth auto-scaling is our solution.

  1. ACK — a signal that is passed between communicating processes as a part of the communication protocol. Protocols that are acknowledgment — based will positively acknowledge receipt of messages, like TCP. UDP is one of the protocols which have no acknowledgment performing blind transmission. So we add ACK directly in Application Layer to improve reliability, bandwidth management, reduce packet loss and data redundancy.
  2. FEC — a technique used for controlling errors in data transmission over unreliable or noisy communication channels. It can help to minimize the packet loss and ensure the accuracy of the data delivery.
  3. Bandwidth auto-scaling — the web server automatically scales due to spikes in web traffic. Nodes are added and subtracted like a rubber band which can maximize throughput efficiency.

As for the Data Link Layer, The modern internet is built on the foundation of Ethernet where the structure is already deeply rooted, meaning that Tachyon protocol is unable to make any meaningful optimizations directly.

Multi-protocol Smart Circumvent Scheme

When TBU is used in VPN(Virtual Private Network), it will run the Multi-Protocol Smart Circumvent Scheme.

The protocol has a different meaning here which refers to VPN Protocol, a mix of transmission protocols and encryption standards. PPTP, L2TP/IPSec, IKEv2/IPSec, IPSec, SSTP, OpenVPN, SoftEther and Wireguard is what VPN providers always use. Each of them performs differently in connection speed, encryption level and connection stability.

Have to mention that Tachyon Protocol is able to conceal the IP packets and simulate UDP, TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP and SMTP traffic powered by our Protocol Simulation Scheme. That means, we will not use the known VPN Protocols but simulate the Application or Transport Protocols to mislead the firewalls or third parties to protect the real data in a higher level.

As Multi-protocol Smart Circumvent scheme functions, Tachyon Protocol will select our simulation protocols by identifying the current network environment. Therefore, the connection success rate of the complex network environment can be increased to over 90%. Then how about security? That will be the stage for TSP(Tachyon Security Protocol) and TAA(Tachyon Anti-analysis) which will be introduced in our following articles.

Find more information in our White Paper.

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Tachyon Protocol

A Decentralized Internet Protocol Stack Based On Blockchain. https://tachyon.eco