Why is Tachyon VPN Free?

Tachyon Protocol
Published in
5 min readNov 19, 2020

A host of paid VPN services are available on the market, where users have to pay a monthly, quarterly or even yearly subscription fee, irrespective of the amount of data they have consumed. These services typically charge the amount from your credit or debit card at the beginning of the payment cycle itself.

As the popular saying goes, “If You’re Not Paying For It, You’re The Product”

Yes, this does hold for some free (and unethical) VPN apps, which don’t charge users directly but make up for that by selling off users’ browsing data to third parties. Using such VPN apps might be riskier than not using any VPN connection at all.

However, when we come to the world of blockchain, the picture is entirely different. You might be worried that Tachyon’s ‘free’ dVPN service is unreliable and untrustworthy as well. Trust us, your Tachyon VPN dApp provides a more secure and reliable connection than any centralized service out there.

Interested to understand how Tachyon manages to provide best-in-class service at almost zero cost? Then read on to know more.

Server Maintenance Cost

Centralized VPN services maintain servers in different corners of the world. These servers are used to route user data traffic in a manner such that the user request seems to have originated from a location where the destination address is not banned. For example, if a user in Beijing wants to access a website which is banned in China, then the VPN application might route the request such that it seems to have originated from somewhere in Europe.

These servers are all set up and managed by the VPN service provider itself. The upkeep cost of the servers is high, which increases their operational cost. Setting up new servers is also a costly affair. The server installation and maintenance charges are then passed on to the customers as a portion of the subscription fees.

On the other hand, Tachyon VPN is a decentralized application. Almost 90% of Tachyon’s servers are provided, operated and maintained by Node Providers around the world. These Node Providers have vested interest in the development of the Tachyon ecosystem. As part of their efforts, they stake IPX to the network to enhance the security of the Tachyon network, and are committed to offer high quality servers through the IPX Staking System.

Marketing & Development Costs

Centralized VPN services spend a lot of money on ads and targeted product placements. You must have come across such ads during a normal course of Internet browsing. Apart from that, there are developmental costs to take care of, employee salaries to be paid, and so on. Put together, the costs add up to a significant amount, which are again included in the subscription charges paid by users.

Tachyon is a blockchain project and is not dependent on any fiat currency for any sort of payment infrastructure. The native cryptocurrency IPX is used for all sorts of developmental and promotional purposes. IPX token is available on multiple cryptocurrency exchanges worldwide, and its price is determined entirely by the market dynamics of supply and demand.

The IPX token has been issued on the V SYSTEMS blockchain network, and has a total supply of 1,000,000,000, or 1 billion. Out of the total supply, 30% (300 million) IPX tokens have been assigned to be used for building the Tachyon ecosystem, which includes marketing and development. As for paying the salaries of team members, 10% of the total supply, or 100 million IPX tokens, have been reserved.

Tachyon dVPN already has 2 million+ users worldwide. As the Tachyon ecosystem grows further and more users start using the application, the demand for IPX will increase and drive up its price. This will ensure that the IPX held by the team for development and marketing purposes will always be enough to meet our requirements. Users won’t be burdened by these costs; they will only have to pay the bandwidth providers for the data that they consume.

Why do Tachyon Node Providers Offer Free Servers?

Node Providers are an integral component of the Tachyon ecosystem. They run Tachyon’s backbone infrastructure and allow users to access Tachyon dVPN, along with other services. Node providers receive staking rewards from the network for staking IPX tokens, and session rewards from users for selling them bandwidth.

Users of Tachyon dVPN have to purchase data in 5MB blocks of traffic from Node Providers, and each such block is called a ‘session’. Node operators are free to choose the price of a session. Nodes earn different levels of session rewards, depending on the price of the session, the total amount of traffic used, and the IPX price. Nodes with the lowest latency, highest bandwidth, and best peering will attract more users and earn more session rewards.

Tachyon is currently working on the IPX Bandwidth Marketplace — a peer-to-peer marketplace where nodes will be able to sell spare bandwidth directly to Tachyon dVPN customers through their staking infrastructure. Nodes which sell bandwidth will be paid session rewards directly by their customers, and the rate of session rewards will depend on session pricing and bandwidth demand. Once the IPX Staking System is completely integrated into Tachyon VPN, Tachyon will transform into the ‘Free + Payment model’ to run the Tachyon bandwidth market.

About Tachyon dVPN:

Tachyon is building a fast, secure, reliable and decentralized “New Internet”, which will replace the existing TCP/IP protocol and support Web 3.0 applications. The Tachyon protocol is built upon V SYSTEMS’ blockchain technology, which uses a proprietary PoS-based consensus algorithm called SPoS (Supernode Proof-of-Stake). Sunny King, the creator of the original PoS protocol, is the Chief Architect of V Systems, and he also helped Tachyon get off the ground during its early days. Both Android and iOS versions of Tachyon’s mobile application are available in the app stores. Till date, more than 2 million users have used the Tachyon dVPN app.

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Tachyon Protocol

A Decentralized Internet Protocol Stack Based On Blockchain. https://tachyon.eco