World Braille Day

Published in
1 min readJan 4, 2019

Today is World Braille Day, and time to recognise how braille has empowered visually impaired people across the globe. Here’s appreciating all of the pioneers who promoted standardised braille and economical production techniques. It’s thanks to all their efforts that braille is today more easily available than ever before, though we still have a long way to go in making all our information and spaces inclusive.

Book printed in Braille.

Read about how Braille was invented.

If braille was the first step towards academic inclusion and accessibility for visually impaired, then tactile graphics are the next step towards more complete access.

Tactile graphics help a blind person perceive images, pictures, diagrams, and understand concepts better. It goes beyond braille, which is largely textual information. We are working towards creatinginteractive tactile graphics for early learners, and are advocating its importance in building inclusive societies.

Let’s begin to demand #MoreThanBraille for children with vision loss.

Tactile graphics on a book, and flashcards with braille numbers.

#worldbrailleday #tactilelearning #earlylearning #visionimpairment#blindness #inclusion

