The why

Magali de Bruyn
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

Go out and explore. My maxim for learning (and enjoying life).

And one that Minerva (my university, intentionally) aims to implement too through their emphasis on active learning.

I’ve been in San Francisco for 3 months now and remain amazed every day by the resources (for learning) the city offers. Today’s triggering cause to start a blog occurred at the AWS Loft in the Financial District, a free co-working space to work on tech-related projects. Struggling with understanding the physics of stellar magnitude (also known as flux) for my Empirical Analysis assignment, I reached out to a friend (whom I met at PyLadies) working nearby. In less than 5 minutes, she and her neighbor answered all my questions and helped me break down how to discuss apparent brightness! This reminded me of how grateful I am for SF’s professionally open and helpful culture.

In this blog, I will consequently document my experiences engaging with opportunities, individuals, and organizations. Through this, I hope to apply #scienceoflearning and solidify my takeaways, in addition to providing glimpses into my life (and, of course, practicing my writing skills).

The name of the blog — Taealam — illustrates my aspirations. It means “learning” in Arabic, one of two most significant of the languages I hope to learn through immersion — active learning. While it is Arabic, the name is still written in the Latin alphabet to acknowledge that my pursuits are about the learning process and that something is better than nothing. Furthermore, it exemplifies how the blog is my current understanding of concepts.

With this, I look forward to reflecting and sharing my adventures on this learning journey!

Go out and explore — even when there’s smoke all around.



Magali de Bruyn
Editor for

Former Computational Sciences & Cognitive Neuroscience student. I value learning, thoughtfulness, and nature. Writing now at