Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of ML, Day 9–10: Classification-Precision and RecallA deep dive into performance metrics- Precision, Recall, and F-1 Score!Jul 12
InThe Data NerdbyEmily StrongAn Introduction to Uplift ModelingMarketing campaigns can be expensive. You want to contact only the people who you think will be persuaded to do whatever it is your…Jun 22, 2022
Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of ML, Day 7–8: ClassificationExploring binary classification and some performance measuresJul 7Jul 7
InThe Data NerdbyEmily StrongHomoscedasticity vs HeteroscedastcityHomoscedasticity is constant (or homogeneous) variance in a set of random variables. You may be wondering how it’s possible for variance to…Jul 2, 2022Jul 2, 2022
Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of Machine Learning, Day 5,6: Project OneA California house Price Predictor!Jul 1Jul 1
Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of ML, Day 9–10: Classification-Precision and RecallA deep dive into performance metrics- Precision, Recall, and F-1 Score!Jul 12
InThe Data NerdbyEmily StrongAn Introduction to Uplift ModelingMarketing campaigns can be expensive. You want to contact only the people who you think will be persuaded to do whatever it is your…Jun 22, 2022
Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of ML, Day 7–8: ClassificationExploring binary classification and some performance measuresJul 7
InThe Data NerdbyEmily StrongHomoscedasticity vs HeteroscedastcityHomoscedasticity is constant (or homogeneous) variance in a set of random variables. You may be wondering how it’s possible for variance to…Jul 2, 2022
Munish Prasad Lohani100 Days of Machine Learning, Day 5,6: Project OneA California house Price Predictor!Jul 1
InTanay ToshniwalbyTanay ToshniwalMy 100 Days Of ML Code JourneyMachine learning is a subset of artificial intelligence in the field of computer science that often uses statistical techniques to give…Jul 23, 20181
In100DaysofMLcodebyCharan SonejiDay 31 of 100DaysofMLAGNES and DIANA. Sound like siblings to be honest :P. But no, they aren’t. AGNES and DIANA are types of clustering algorithms and they…Jul 17, 2020
vidharshana raviAlice in ML Land- A 100 days of ML code initiativeCovnets, Regression, Classification, ReLU, bias,… were all intriguing jargons I’ve heard my peers who had chosen ML course, tangent into…Jan 18, 2023