InDev GeniusbySubhradeep SahaSolving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 11 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted ArrayA detailed guide on how to solve Leetcode’s 153. Find minimum element in rotated sorted array problem using binary search.May 14
InHingedbyAura WilmingSally’s DollShe almost missed it; the Barbie doll left just a couple of inches from the sidewalk. Had the yard not been a shriveled yellow mess, the…Mar 23, 20192
InHingedbyNicole WillsonPriceless“It was the principle of the thing.” That’s what people said later on, after the fire had been put out.Mar 23, 20196Mar 23, 20196
InHingedbyStuart JamesWe Girls Can Do AnythingImagine you’re a Barbie™ girl*Mar 23, 20191Mar 23, 20191
InHingedbyDominick CritelliDr. Edwards’ AngelsDr. Edwards sat at his desk surrounded by wires and electrodes and varies electronic bits and bobs. His face was lit up by a computer…Mar 23, 20191Mar 23, 20191
InDev GeniusbySubhradeep SahaSolving a Leetcode problem daily — Day 11 | Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted ArrayA detailed guide on how to solve Leetcode’s 153. Find minimum element in rotated sorted array problem using binary search.May 14
InHingedbyAura WilmingSally’s DollShe almost missed it; the Barbie doll left just a couple of inches from the sidewalk. Had the yard not been a shriveled yellow mess, the…Mar 23, 20192
InHingedbyNicole WillsonPriceless“It was the principle of the thing.” That’s what people said later on, after the fire had been put out.Mar 23, 20196
InHingedbyDominick CritelliDr. Edwards’ AngelsDr. Edwards sat at his desk surrounded by wires and electrodes and varies electronic bits and bobs. His face was lit up by a computer…Mar 23, 20191
InHingedbyLouise FoersterBarbie’s Big Adventure“Don’t look up, but Scabby Abby is coming.” Carrie Ann Davis dropped her voice, swishing her bunny between her knees.Mar 23, 20193
InHingedbyStacy DennisonLittle Girl LostCandice sat on the worn brown carpet of the living room floor and played with her Barbie doll. Candice didn’t have many toys, but she did…Mar 23, 2019
InHingedbySandy KnightThe Weekly Knob Prompt Is Here [153]As writers and creatives we know there are stories all around us simply waiting to be told. Stories spring from the most unlikeliest of…Mar 16, 2019