Aleena RayamajhiIntroducing Stereo Cameras: Advancing Depth Perception in Visual TechnologyA stereo camera, or a stereoscopic camera, is a specialized camera system that harnesses two or more camera lenses to capture two distinct…Mar 23
Mahmoud AfifiBasics of stereoscopic imaging in virtual and augmented reality systemsVirtual Reality (VR) presents a virtual world where the user is immersed into. While, Augmented Reality (AR) reinforces the real world with…Oct 13, 2016
Larry BerlinManipulating Perceptions Inside the PuzzleIt helps to understand the goalFeb 18, 2022Feb 18, 2022
Aleena RayamajhiIntroducing Stereo Cameras: Advancing Depth Perception in Visual TechnologyA stereo camera, or a stereoscopic camera, is a specialized camera system that harnesses two or more camera lenses to capture two distinct…Mar 23
Mahmoud AfifiBasics of stereoscopic imaging in virtual and augmented reality systemsVirtual Reality (VR) presents a virtual world where the user is immersed into. While, Augmented Reality (AR) reinforces the real world with…Oct 13, 2016
InHackerNoon.combyGabriel Moss‘VR Horizons’ Increases Accessibility of Immersive EducationHumaneyes’ Vuze line of 360-degree cameras is becoming a staple in certain educational programs as students without programming knowledge…Jan 24, 2019
InMATA-影像之初by鄭立明 CHENG Li-Ming立體鏡和多維視野的觀察「從內裡訓練我們製造形象的手段,使之成為一種立體鏡和多維度的觀察,直看到歷史陰影的深處去」這話出自 Rudolf Borchardt, Epilegomena Zu Dante,v. 1. [Berlin 1923] pp. 56–7Apr 11, 20171