Tomori UrielACRIMONY: a critical dissection of the movieKeeping the relationship was the only choice, married-again could have been better, patience could have made things better between Robert…Aug 10, 20181
Oluwatobi OgunrindeWho Else Felt Melinda Gayle’s Pain in the Movie, Acrimony?It took me a while to decide if I wanted to do this or not, but then I realized I just couldn’t hold back my opinion of the movie…Aug 3, 20187Aug 3, 20187
InrespectinpeacebyRyan E. PooleAcrimonyThe difference between believing him and believing in him.Jan 10, 2021Jan 10, 2021
Tomori UrielACRIMONY: a critical dissection of the movieKeeping the relationship was the only choice, married-again could have been better, patience could have made things better between Robert…Aug 10, 20181
Oluwatobi OgunrindeWho Else Felt Melinda Gayle’s Pain in the Movie, Acrimony?It took me a while to decide if I wanted to do this or not, but then I realized I just couldn’t hold back my opinion of the movie…Aug 3, 20187
InrespectinpeacebyRyan E. PooleAcrimonyThe difference between believing him and believing in him.Jan 10, 2021
InThe AAMBC JournalbyDavid SpencerPart 2: Acrimony: An Unfit DreamerRobert was not blameless but he was not completely at fault either. He didn’t have a father to teach him how to be a man. He wasn’t raised…Apr 16, 2018
Lola OladipoAcrimony — The Movie (My take)Just to give a bit of background about the movie. It is a story about a wife who stood by her husband for about 18 years marriage (she was…Aug 7, 2019