Kevin GarwoodAn Investigation into Operational Issues for AI-Driven Medical Devices using Open FDA Medical…1 IntroductionDec 2
Gaurav GoelDemystifying MedDRA: Understanding the Language of Adverse Event ReportingKey Concepts and Terminology ExplainedSep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
Fatima ArshadBreaking into the world of Natural Language Processing through Hugging FaceIntroductionJul 25, 2023Jul 25, 2023
Marty SaloAlzheimer’s drug study participantsThere are instances where 84 year olds suffer a stroke. Who knows if it was a direct result of taking the experimental drug, which was…Jul 12, 2023Jul 12, 2023
Kevin GarwoodAn Investigation into Operational Issues for AI-Driven Medical Devices using Open FDA Medical…1 IntroductionDec 2
Gaurav GoelDemystifying MedDRA: Understanding the Language of Adverse Event ReportingKey Concepts and Terminology ExplainedSep 25, 2023
Fatima ArshadBreaking into the world of Natural Language Processing through Hugging FaceIntroductionJul 25, 2023
Marty SaloAlzheimer’s drug study participantsThere are instances where 84 year olds suffer a stroke. Who knows if it was a direct result of taking the experimental drug, which was…Jul 12, 2023
Gaurav GoelPharmacovigilance — Key Concepts and DefinitionsLife Science: It is a very broad category including studies of living things on the molecular level up to ecosystems. These include pharma…Dec 30, 20191
You.only.need.youThe Importance of Practising True SurrenderI read this book after a multitude of LinkedIn posts recommended it, and it has been a mind blowing experience reading and implementing…Feb 28, 2023
Gaurav GoelPV Regulatory ReportingBy law, Pharma companies are required to report safety information to regulatory authorities according to specific timelines. This…Dec 29, 2019