Pierre-Alain OuvrardMerkle proof verification for Ethereum Patricia treeThe Ethereum blockchain uses a modified Merkle Patricia tree for state authentication. This lets blockchain nodes come to consensus on the…Feb 18, 20192
InAergo blogbyHanIntroducing Aergo’s Townhall [Q1 2023]As we approach the second quarter of 2023, the Aergo team decided to hold the first Townhall for 2023. It is a moment to evaluate and…Mar 31, 20233Mar 31, 20233
InAergo blogbyHanAergo 2.0: A Decentralized Infrastructure for Web3READ THE WHITEPAPERJun 16, 20232Jun 16, 20232
TrustVerseAergo Protocol Now available on TrustVerse, MarS WalletAergo Protocol Now available on TrustVerse, MarS WalletDec 6, 2022Dec 6, 2022
Pierre-Alain OuvrardMerkle proof verification for Ethereum Patricia treeThe Ethereum blockchain uses a modified Merkle Patricia tree for state authentication. This lets blockchain nodes come to consensus on the…Feb 18, 20192
InAergo blogbyHanIntroducing Aergo’s Townhall [Q1 2023]As we approach the second quarter of 2023, the Aergo team decided to hold the first Townhall for 2023. It is a moment to evaluate and…Mar 31, 20233
TrustVerseAergo Protocol Now available on TrustVerse, MarS WalletAergo Protocol Now available on TrustVerse, MarS WalletDec 6, 2022
Pierre-Alain OuvrardSparse Merkle TreeA performance oriented implementation of a binary SMT with parallel update, node batching and storage shortcuts.Oct 19, 20183
InAergo blogbyCorey Crypto- SyscoinThe AERGO Crypto Venture Wing: Funding The FutureIntroduction: The AERGO Crypto Venture Fund: Financial Evolution Of AERGOApr 29, 2022