BeingabloggerISRAEL’S MYSTERIOUS AGENDA OF IMPERIALISM.Let’s start this blog with some important questions, for instance WHO IS WILLING TO RULE THE WORLD? WHY IS HE TRYING TO RULE THE WORLD? &…May 30, 2021
Suke Kahuna IJUpdated Evaluation Of The Local Status Quo Hacks Requiring Valid FixThe biggest negative is they install see-saw-argument x13 methods.Jul 24
Nyhir'Vana Rho-OphiuchiAIchemy: The Astrological Significance of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030Klaus Schwab’s Stepping Down Wasn’t on My 2024 Plutoshiny Bingo Card…Jun 11Jun 11
2030KaBharatSustainable Development Goals 2030: A Vision for a Brighter TomorrowIn the pursuit of global progress and prosperity, the Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030 (SDG 2030) stand as a beacon of hope…Oct 11, 2023Oct 11, 2023
UN SDG Action CampaignHow can a reform of the global tax architecture advance the 2030 Agenda ?As developing nations lose billions to tax havens, international tax reform for fairer taxation is crucial.Jun 6Jun 6
BeingabloggerISRAEL’S MYSTERIOUS AGENDA OF IMPERIALISM.Let’s start this blog with some important questions, for instance WHO IS WILLING TO RULE THE WORLD? WHY IS HE TRYING TO RULE THE WORLD? &…May 30, 2021
Suke Kahuna IJUpdated Evaluation Of The Local Status Quo Hacks Requiring Valid FixThe biggest negative is they install see-saw-argument x13 methods.Jul 24
Nyhir'Vana Rho-OphiuchiAIchemy: The Astrological Significance of the World Economic Forum’s Agenda 2030Klaus Schwab’s Stepping Down Wasn’t on My 2024 Plutoshiny Bingo Card…Jun 11
2030KaBharatSustainable Development Goals 2030: A Vision for a Brighter TomorrowIn the pursuit of global progress and prosperity, the Sustainable Development Goals for the year 2030 (SDG 2030) stand as a beacon of hope…Oct 11, 2023
UN SDG Action CampaignHow can a reform of the global tax architecture advance the 2030 Agenda ?As developing nations lose billions to tax havens, international tax reform for fairer taxation is crucial.Jun 6
InWikimedia Foundation PolicybyRebecca MacKinnonWikimedia Foundation CEO Maryana Iskander Calls on Governments to Protect WikipediansAt a high-level side event during the 78th United Nations General Assembly in New York last month, September 2023, Wikimedia Foundation CEO…Oct 19, 2023
Thomas Poetter, Potentialism, p/accFalse Statistics around InflationLook at this link about the USA which roughly is also valid for the EU…Jul 9
RiyanthWhat is Agenda 30?Agenda 30 is a speculative conspiracy theory about a secret global plan for the future that will supposedly be implemented in the year…Feb 26