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Interview with Pararth Shah, Google

Last month at the AI Assistant Summit in San Francisco, we were joined by Pararth Shah, Research Engineer at Google, who we spoke with about his current work as well as AI and deep learning more generally. Pararth is currently working to improve the process in which…


Camouflage is a forever-in-fashion kind of print. It always, almost every time somehow finds its way to stand out…

A New Approach for Work and Life Fulfillment. By Riadh Lebib

This article was originally published on https://www.checkpoint-elearning.de (January, 2018).

Paris (F), January 2018 — (By Riadh Lebib, Research and Development Manager at SBT Human(s) Matter) As an

Marketing in a World of Bots

I’m about to head to CES, the annual gather of all things technical in Las Vegas. Over 4,000 companies will present their wears, from the largest companies in the industry all the way down to new start-ups being shown in Eureka Park. Last year, almost 190,000 people attended…