InAn Idea (by Ingenious Piece)byHazel Hepburn3 Simple Tips to Create a Beautiful and Airy Outdoor Seating AreaAfter my previous post about the crucial economic and health benefit of offering outdoor seating for main street food services, readers…Jul 31, 2020
InAiry ♥ SciencebyRobert Sebastian HerlimNotifications: How they might impact hotels’ operational process in the Hospitality IndustryHow Airy increases the adoption of our Property Management System (PMS), specifically by enabling notification features.Feb 15, 2020
InAiry ♥ SciencebyArie Pratama SutionoTowards Advanced Accommodation: Deep Learning for Photos Classification — Part 2Learning Rate, Optimizer and RegularizationOct 4, 2019Oct 4, 2019
InAiry ♥ SciencebyArie Pratama SutionoTowards Advanced Accommodation: Deep Learning for Photos Classification — Part 1Transfer Learning and Oversampling MethodsSep 26, 2019Sep 26, 2019
Viko GaraEmployee Engagement: Focus on the root causeNotes from Indonesia HR Summit 2019 keynotes by Jacob Morgan and Ridwan KamilSep 20, 2019Sep 20, 2019
InAn Idea (by Ingenious Piece)byHazel Hepburn3 Simple Tips to Create a Beautiful and Airy Outdoor Seating AreaAfter my previous post about the crucial economic and health benefit of offering outdoor seating for main street food services, readers…Jul 31, 2020
InAiry ♥ SciencebyRobert Sebastian HerlimNotifications: How they might impact hotels’ operational process in the Hospitality IndustryHow Airy increases the adoption of our Property Management System (PMS), specifically by enabling notification features.Feb 15, 2020
InAiry ♥ SciencebyArie Pratama SutionoTowards Advanced Accommodation: Deep Learning for Photos Classification — Part 2Learning Rate, Optimizer and RegularizationOct 4, 2019
InAiry ♥ SciencebyArie Pratama SutionoTowards Advanced Accommodation: Deep Learning for Photos Classification — Part 1Transfer Learning and Oversampling MethodsSep 26, 2019
Viko GaraEmployee Engagement: Focus on the root causeNotes from Indonesia HR Summit 2019 keynotes by Jacob Morgan and Ridwan KamilSep 20, 2019
InAiry ♥ SciencebyElvyna TunggawanEvaluating Effect of Property Primary Photo ChangeHow about looking at Airyrooms from different angle?Apr 5, 2019