Alberto BalloccainArt Lovers WelcomeIn Statu Nascendi, Part.2Socrates & the intangible force of Antanairesis.Jun 28Jun 28
Alberto BalloccainThe CollectorIn Statu Nascendi, part. 1Diachronic approaches on ancient cultures and natural patternsJun 19Jun 19
Alberto BalloccainArt Lovers WelcomeIn Statu Nascendi, Part.2Socrates & the intangible force of Antanairesis.Jun 28
Alberto BalloccainThe CollectorIn Statu Nascendi, part. 1Diachronic approaches on ancient cultures and natural patternsJun 19
Alberto BalloccainThe CollectorIn Statu Nascendi, intro.Becoming is the hidden key of every thing that appears as stable.May 23
Alberto BalloccaAlberto Ballocca: The Metaphysical Canvas Of A Modern MaestroA Journey Through my Artistic Evolution on Aatonau.comMar 3