Weblight EntertainmentCivil War: A Movie or Reality of American Politics“Civil War," released in 2024, is the most recent provocative thriller ride from producer Alex Garland, most popular for his works like Ex…Oct 8
InFanfarebyBen UlanseyEx Machina and the Disconcerting Way That Sci-Fi Movies AgeAlex Garland’s directorial debut celebrates its 10 year anniversary in a world very different from its releaseApr 2529
InBonem At LargebyMax BonemJust One Scene: Jesse Plemons in Civil War“What kind of American are you?”Apr 252Apr 252
Jeremy WagstaffThe Civil War in Our HeadsI finally braced myself to watch Alex Garland’s Civil War and saw a mirror. It wasn’t a pretty sightAug 12Aug 12
Weblight EntertainmentCivil War: A Movie or Reality of American Politics“Civil War," released in 2024, is the most recent provocative thriller ride from producer Alex Garland, most popular for his works like Ex…Oct 8
InFanfarebyBen UlanseyEx Machina and the Disconcerting Way That Sci-Fi Movies AgeAlex Garland’s directorial debut celebrates its 10 year anniversary in a world very different from its releaseApr 2529
InBonem At LargebyMax BonemJust One Scene: Jesse Plemons in Civil War“What kind of American are you?”Apr 252
Jeremy WagstaffThe Civil War in Our HeadsI finally braced myself to watch Alex Garland’s Civil War and saw a mirror. It wasn’t a pretty sightAug 12
Jacob EliasCivil War is a warning to Americathere’s something very unnerving about sitting comfortably in a theatre, moving chairs twenty minutes in because mine was squeaking…Aug 6
Tom DavidsonCivil War: Alex Garland spent so much money to say so littleAlex Garland’s modern take on Apocalypse Now has no heart of darkness and it’s centre — it’s emptyApr 17
Joseph Beyer“A Script Divided”Civil War Film Review for Northern Express Published April 20, 2024Jul 23