Sondos AzhariShrek 5 Trailer Sparks Controversy: A Nostalgic Comeback or a Visual Letdown?After years of anticipation, Shrek 5 has finally made its grand entrance into the spotlight with its first official teaser trailer…2d ago
InTrade Republic Design and EngineeringbyChethan KVSDesigning Interactive Animations for Trade Republic’s Stock Gifting with Rive and Play!How we Designed a Delightful Gifting Experience That Sparked Millions of Stock Gifts6d ago3
InOutcrowdbyMarta ZhuravelStrengthening the Brand with Animation: From a Flash of Interest to Deep LoyaltyHow to boost brand competitiveness and improve UX/UI with animationFeb 113Feb 113
James BarehamThe Wild Robot is ‘painted by hand’ animation at its absolute bestProof that “real” does not necessarily mean more realistic.Dec 13, 20241Dec 13, 20241
Greg KoralewskiBehind the Scenes: Creating a Fundraising Video for a Tech Startup 📽️✨I love to help entrepreneurs tackle the challenges they face in growing their businesses. Recently, I had the pleasure of working on a nice…Jan 22Jan 22
Sondos AzhariShrek 5 Trailer Sparks Controversy: A Nostalgic Comeback or a Visual Letdown?After years of anticipation, Shrek 5 has finally made its grand entrance into the spotlight with its first official teaser trailer…2d ago
InTrade Republic Design and EngineeringbyChethan KVSDesigning Interactive Animations for Trade Republic’s Stock Gifting with Rive and Play!How we Designed a Delightful Gifting Experience That Sparked Millions of Stock Gifts6d ago3
InOutcrowdbyMarta ZhuravelStrengthening the Brand with Animation: From a Flash of Interest to Deep LoyaltyHow to boost brand competitiveness and improve UX/UI with animationFeb 113
James BarehamThe Wild Robot is ‘painted by hand’ animation at its absolute bestProof that “real” does not necessarily mean more realistic.Dec 13, 20241
Greg KoralewskiBehind the Scenes: Creating a Fundraising Video for a Tech Startup 📽️✨I love to help entrepreneurs tackle the challenges they face in growing their businesses. Recently, I had the pleasure of working on a nice…Jan 22
Manu yadavJetpack Compose: Easiest way to display Gifs from local “res” folderJetpack Compose is a modern toolkit for building native UI in Android. However, displaying GIFs in Jetpack Compose is not straightforward…Jun 12, 20241
Ranveer Singh GourFlutter Animate: Breathing Life into Your Flutter AppsFlutter Animate is a powerful animation library created by gskinner, the developer behind the Wonderous app, a showcase of Flutter’s…Jan 16
Kenny.bPixar’s Impact on Animation: A Journey Through Time and PixelsHave you ever found yourself on a lazy weekend afternoon, perusing through your movie collection, only to be drawn to Pixar’s heartwarming…Mar 30, 2023