Daniel RussellAntimatter Confinement by Fractal Cone Structures Made of Focused Laser Light Opening a Path to the…We must develop antimatter technology, if we ever hope to travel to even the closest star systems. Using matter-antimatter propulsion the…Jan 1
WaderitterAntimatter Engines: The Future of Interstellar TravelThe concept of antimatter engines has long captivated the imagination of scientists, engineers, and science fiction enthusiasts alike. From…Dec 31, 2024
Fernando SaizHow to Travel to the Stars (in One Lifetime)If NASA launched a ship to the outer edges of our solar system on the day you were born, by the time it returned, you’d likely be on your…Nov 30, 2024Nov 30, 2024
CrowlspaceAntimatter at Hand?Marshall Eubanks has posited the presence of million tonne masses of stable quark matter inside solar system objects — potentially both…Jun 15, 2024Jun 15, 2024
Daniel RussellAntimatter Confinement by Fractal Cone Structures Made of Focused Laser Light Opening a Path to the…We must develop antimatter technology, if we ever hope to travel to even the closest star systems. Using matter-antimatter propulsion the…Jan 1
WaderitterAntimatter Engines: The Future of Interstellar TravelThe concept of antimatter engines has long captivated the imagination of scientists, engineers, and science fiction enthusiasts alike. From…Dec 31, 2024
Fernando SaizHow to Travel to the Stars (in One Lifetime)If NASA launched a ship to the outer edges of our solar system on the day you were born, by the time it returned, you’d likely be on your…Nov 30, 2024
CrowlspaceAntimatter at Hand?Marshall Eubanks has posited the presence of million tonne masses of stable quark matter inside solar system objects — potentially both…Jun 15, 2024
CrowlspaceFusion or Antimatter?Getting around interplanetary space is a challenge for chemical rockets — it’s barely worth doing for probes, and pointless for people…Jun 1, 20241
Aloysious TaschAntimatter PropulsionAs far as I know, everything in this article is accurate, but I definitely expect some errors to arise. Please let me know if there is…Oct 16, 2023
InVisionary HubbyRyne GonzalesTraveling Faster: The Antimatter WayImagine this. You’re a child getting ready for a road trip with your family to Disney World! Eagerly preparing for it, you pack all your…Nov 3, 2021