Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Aug 7
Saif Farooqi, PhDThe Pioneers of Industrial-Organizational PsychologyThe American Psychological Association (APA) characterizes Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology as the scientific study of human…Jul 6
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Aug 3Aug 3
Manasvini LRSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND LAWIn order to understand how the law operates in courts, how people perceive the legal system, and how officials behave in a range of legal…Jun 29, 2023Jun 29, 2023
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Jul 31Jul 31
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Aug 7
Saif Farooqi, PhDThe Pioneers of Industrial-Organizational PsychologyThe American Psychological Association (APA) characterizes Industrial-Organizational (I-O) Psychology as the scientific study of human…Jul 6
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Aug 3
Manasvini LRSOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY AND LAWIn order to understand how the law operates in courts, how people perceive the legal system, and how officials behave in a range of legal…Jun 29, 2023
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Jul 31
Sean RyanPoor Charlie’s Almanack Revisited: Applying Charlie Munger’s Psychological Insights to Software…A short series of articles presenting Charlie Munger’s framework of psychological tendencies that distort decision making, and applying the…Jul 26
InBootcampbyRian DutraSelf-Service Aversion: correlations between Experience Design and rejection of bank ATMs by some…I'm so excited: my Design and Psychology research has been approved in one of the most important design scientific journals in the country…Jul 14, 2023
ThearjundeepsinghsandhuFilm PsychologyBy: Arjundeep Ranjit Singh Sandhu An intern @KRSH Welfare FoundationJul 1, 2023