Cami KopsLONDON FeelingsIt’s giving me London feelings… although I always knew it was not about the place, it was about finding my place.Feb 23
UncolourfulthoughtsSurfing between paints and brushstrokesApparently, I am well. I am able to have a chat, resolve daily tasks, and do my work. I am not cutting myself, I am not hiding behind…Feb 9
Lavanya SaharanWhy is it so important to express yourself ?Well, the truth is, we’ve been expressing ourselves for as long as we can remember. From the time we were tiny tots to our current selves…Sep 26, 2023Sep 26, 2023
Credell Simeon (csCreatives Studio)New Ways to do Visual Art Therapy with Bottle Art DecoupageWhat is visual art therapy? Visual art therapy is the use of visual art techniques such as painting, drawing, crafting to help people…Jul 11, 2023Jul 11, 2023
InMissYanExpressiveArtsTherapy & MusicEducatorby殷琦獲取資格:香港大學表達藝術治療碩士(HKU — MExpArtsTh)獲取資格:香港大學表達藝術治療碩士(HKU — MExpArtsTh)Dec 1, 2021Dec 1, 2021
Cami KopsLONDON FeelingsIt’s giving me London feelings… although I always knew it was not about the place, it was about finding my place.Feb 23
UncolourfulthoughtsSurfing between paints and brushstrokesApparently, I am well. I am able to have a chat, resolve daily tasks, and do my work. I am not cutting myself, I am not hiding behind…Feb 9
Lavanya SaharanWhy is it so important to express yourself ?Well, the truth is, we’ve been expressing ourselves for as long as we can remember. From the time we were tiny tots to our current selves…Sep 26, 2023
Credell Simeon (csCreatives Studio)New Ways to do Visual Art Therapy with Bottle Art DecoupageWhat is visual art therapy? Visual art therapy is the use of visual art techniques such as painting, drawing, crafting to help people…Jul 11, 2023
InMissYanExpressiveArtsTherapy & MusicEducatorby殷琦獲取資格:香港大學表達藝術治療碩士(HKU — MExpArtsTh)獲取資格:香港大學表達藝術治療碩士(HKU — MExpArtsTh)Dec 1, 2021
InWriters’ BlokkebyTashima AgrawalArtistic Expression For Emotional Well-BeingThe need for expression arises out of being a human. Since ancient times, humans have felt an innate desire to express themselves. From the…Aug 28, 2021
PatiocNiurkaCaleroAlayónMientras más fuerte la prueba, más grande el espiritu de Niurka CaleroSufrí abusos, vejaciones, golpes, desprovista, llena de miedos en un país extraño, sin familia que me apoyara, con lengua ajena, sin poder…Oct 18, 2020