Gavin KeeneyFranciscan PoemA “meeting” with Francis of Assisi at the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, and following a visit to the Porziuncula at the Basilica of…Mar 29
Rashmee Roshan LallSpringtime in AssisiIn real terms, the equinox is the only real moment when our planet knows true equality and thereby the possibility of peace.Mar 21
Gavin KeeneyRome-Assisi“ROME-ASSISI” is EXTRACT ONE — PART THREE: EPISODE ELEVEN of tales told “out of school” and (intentionally) out of order: i.e., extracts…Oct 22, 2023Oct 22, 2023
Gaudium Press English EditionSaint Joseph of Cupertino: his Holiness Attracted Cardinals, Kings and PrincesOct 20, 2022Oct 20, 2022
Gavin KeeneyFranciscan PoemA “meeting” with Francis of Assisi at the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi, and following a visit to the Porziuncula at the Basilica of…Mar 29
Rashmee Roshan LallSpringtime in AssisiIn real terms, the equinox is the only real moment when our planet knows true equality and thereby the possibility of peace.Mar 21
Gavin KeeneyRome-Assisi“ROME-ASSISI” is EXTRACT ONE — PART THREE: EPISODE ELEVEN of tales told “out of school” and (intentionally) out of order: i.e., extracts…Oct 22, 2023
Gaudium Press English EditionSaint Joseph of Cupertino: his Holiness Attracted Cardinals, Kings and PrincesOct 20, 2022
Scott Allen WilsonAssisi, A Medieval Beauty — Scott Allen Wilson | PhotographerFramed by the hills of Umbria is one of the most well-preserved medieval towns in the world. Assisi is the birthplace of one of the most…Oct 1, 2022
InremigioblogbyRemigio RussoThe «Forgiveness of Assisi», A Story That Has Lasted 800 YearsAn important event for the Catholic faithful and always currentAug 1, 2019