KameswariservicesWhy Isn’t the Atomic Spectrum a Rainbow?When we use a sodium lamp, it emits yellow light, a mercury lamp emits greenish-blue light, and a neon lamp emits orange-red light. Why do…May 25, 2024
Er. Rajan SharmaUnderstanding React’s Atomic Design StructureIn modern web development, React has gained immense popularity for its flexibility and modularity. One of the most powerful methodologies…Sep 8, 20241Sep 8, 20241
NutanDraw Atomic Structure: Protons, Electrons & Neutrons in PythonIn this blog, we will draw some element atomic structure using the Python module Matplotlib. I will keep it very simple and draw the first…Jul 31, 20241Jul 31, 20241
Richa SharmaDay 3: Atomic Structure of SemiconductorsBand theory Energy bands and gaps Python/RJul 26, 2024Jul 26, 2024
KameswariservicesWhy Isn’t the Atomic Spectrum a Rainbow?When we use a sodium lamp, it emits yellow light, a mercury lamp emits greenish-blue light, and a neon lamp emits orange-red light. Why do…May 25, 2024
Er. Rajan SharmaUnderstanding React’s Atomic Design StructureIn modern web development, React has gained immense popularity for its flexibility and modularity. One of the most powerful methodologies…Sep 8, 20241
NutanDraw Atomic Structure: Protons, Electrons & Neutrons in PythonIn this blog, we will draw some element atomic structure using the Python module Matplotlib. I will keep it very simple and draw the first…Jul 31, 20241
Richa SharmaDay 3: Atomic Structure of SemiconductorsBand theory Energy bands and gaps Python/RJul 26, 2024
InScience Epochs And EchoesbyAarav JoshiWhat Secrets Lie Hidden Within the Heart of the Atom?Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of everything around us. At their core lies the nucleus, a tiny but dense region made up of…Jul 22, 2024
RSUnderstanding Chemical Equilibrium with PCBM Dictionary: The Ultimate IIT JEE Preparation AppChemical equilibrium is a fundamental concept in chemistry that describes the state in which the concentrations of reactants and products…Jul 12, 2024
RSMastering Chemical Kinetics with PCBM Dictionary: The Ultimate IIT JEE Preparation AppChemical kinetics is a crucial branch of chemistry that deals with the rates of chemical reactions and the factors that affect these rates…Jul 10, 2024