InSwitched On: The Bowdark BlogbyPaul ModdermanPodcast episode! The Evolution of Ops in SAP with Chris KernaghanThis time, James and I talked to Chris Kernaghan. Chris brings a wealth of SAP techie skills to the table, and we got some great stuff from…Aug 5, 2021
Basis Technologies10 reasons why you should be automating SAP change‘That’s just how SAP works’. ‘You can’t do it like that in SAP’. ‘But we’ve always done it this way’.Apr 22, 2020
Basis TechnologiesWhat is Robotic Test Automation for SAP?Regression testing of SAP changes is a bit like flossing: everyone knows they should do it, but in practice it’s something that only gets…Apr 15, 2020Apr 15, 2020
Basis TechnologiesThe journey to Git-based ABAP development: Part 2I recently posted a blog about the start of our investigations into Git-based ABAP development here at Basis Technologies. A month or so…Apr 9, 2020Apr 9, 2020
Basis TechnologiesThe journey to Git-based ABAP development: Part 1At Basis Technologies our tools are built in ABAP, so abapGit has been on our radar for a while and we’ve been fiddling with it for quite…Mar 4, 2020Mar 4, 2020
InSwitched On: The Bowdark BlogbyPaul ModdermanPodcast episode! The Evolution of Ops in SAP with Chris KernaghanThis time, James and I talked to Chris Kernaghan. Chris brings a wealth of SAP techie skills to the table, and we got some great stuff from…Aug 5, 2021
Basis Technologies10 reasons why you should be automating SAP change‘That’s just how SAP works’. ‘You can’t do it like that in SAP’. ‘But we’ve always done it this way’.Apr 22, 2020
Basis TechnologiesWhat is Robotic Test Automation for SAP?Regression testing of SAP changes is a bit like flossing: everyone knows they should do it, but in practice it’s something that only gets…Apr 15, 2020
Basis TechnologiesThe journey to Git-based ABAP development: Part 2I recently posted a blog about the start of our investigations into Git-based ABAP development here at Basis Technologies. A month or so…Apr 9, 2020
Basis TechnologiesThe journey to Git-based ABAP development: Part 1At Basis Technologies our tools are built in ABAP, so abapGit has been on our radar for a while and we’ve been fiddling with it for quite…Mar 4, 2020
Basis TechnologiesThe True Cost of Free SoftwareThe idea for today’s post came from a recent conversation I had with a former colleague of mine over coffee. We were discussing the idea…Feb 26, 2020
Basis TechnologiesSAP Change and Release Management: Best Practices in 20206 ideas to help improve your requirement-to-deploy processesFeb 18, 2020
Basis TechnologiesUsing abapGit and containers to extend CI/CD workflows in SAP landscapesThere’s a lot of buzz about using abapGit to enable truly distributed ABAP development. We assess its potential for DevOps in SAP…Jan 22, 2020