In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDBlockchain, the new way for Open BadgesMore reliable and more durable, the blockchain allows the issuing of academic and professional micro-certifications with probative valueJun 3, 2020
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDEvidenZ Report — November 2021Since May 2021, things have been moving fast for EvidenZ and its teamNov 29, 2021Nov 29, 2021
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDBCD Report #13– November, 2020All you want to know about EvidenZ, the world’s most widely deployed digital credentials blockchain framework: news and developments!Nov 16, 2020Nov 16, 2020
In3videnZbyJarry-lacombe LucThe “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie” (AUF), in partnership with BCdiploma, offers a…Promote the employability of students and the influence of Francophone university programs? One of the priorities of the “Agence…Oct 28, 2020Oct 28, 2020
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDBlockchain, the new way for Open BadgesMore reliable and more durable, the blockchain allows the issuing of academic and professional micro-certifications with probative valueJun 3, 2020
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDEvidenZ Report — November 2021Since May 2021, things have been moving fast for EvidenZ and its teamNov 29, 2021
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDBCD Report #13– November, 2020All you want to know about EvidenZ, the world’s most widely deployed digital credentials blockchain framework: news and developments!Nov 16, 2020
In3videnZbyJarry-lacombe LucThe “Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie” (AUF), in partnership with BCdiploma, offers a…Promote the employability of students and the influence of Francophone university programs? One of the priorities of the “Agence…Oct 28, 2020
In3videnZbyQuentin RenaudBCdiploma partners with Kickstart Warwick and makes its first step towards the UKBCdiploma aims at raising awareness on blockchain technology among higher-education students in the UKOct 27, 2020
In3videnZbyJarry-lacombe LucOo2 Formations: blockchain innovation to secure professional certificationsIn many of the areas where “Oo2 Formations” operates, misuse and forgery are common. They decided to innovate with blockchain technology…Oct 14, 2020
In3videnZbyVincent LANGARDEvidenZ: when blockchain meets artThe first EvidenZ certificate of authenticity for a work of art was issued in collaboration with the Gallery Claire Corcia in ParisOct 8, 2020